Chapter 3

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Cody Pierce

I got ready for football practice and went to the weight room to start working out

After that, I sat down and waited for my football coach to enter the room.

Tiffany texted me while I was waiting for her, saying, "I just picked up Colin and Maddy from school and I am going to take them home and drive them to ballet and soccer practice and then I will drop off the Ford Explore back in the school parking lot for you."

Okay, I asked her how she was going to get home, and she said, "Oh, my friend Matt said he will take me home."

Is it okay if I invite my friends over who have never been to the house before?

Yes, that is fine, and I would like to meet your best friends and the people who make you happy. I asked her if you guys were getting food.

Yes, she stated that we will be receiving six large pizzas and one hundred different types and flavors of wings.

Okay, then, that is dinner for all of us.

Yes, she replied.

Okay, pizza and wings sound delicious, so yay!

I can not wait to meet your friends; when will they arrive? 5:45 or 6:00

Okay, I replied.

Thank you, and I can not wait for you to meet them.

Okay, please tell Maddy and Colin that I hope they had a good day at school, that I love them, and that I will see them soon after their practice.

Tiffany stated that they had a wonderful first day and that they miss and love you as well, and I adore you, Cody.

"Aww, I love you too," I replied.

My football coach finally entered and asked, "How have you guys been?"

We all responded positively to her.

Congratulations on a successful first day.

Yes, we all responded to her.

That makes me happy to hear.

Okay, guys, get ready to do some leg work.

We all responded, ugh.

I know you do not like it, but we have to do it so that you can be stronger and we can win more games this year.

That would be wonderful.

Okay, let us get started.

We all said, "Here we go."

Okay, four sets of 12 reps for barbell squats, leg press, leg extensions, Romanian deadlifts, calf raises, leg curls, leg lunges, leg extensions, and smith machine squats.

Monty said, "Oh hell, I can not do this today," but here we go.

I was doing my workout and thinking about history and how horrible it is going to be and how I do not want to do it.

Okay, two more workouts and we will be finished. I chose to do leg extensions with Tino and Romanian deadlifts with Monty.

We did it, and it was so painful that our legs began to shake and we almost cried.

The coach, on the other hand, told them to go home, eat, and rest because they deserved it after working so hard.

I checked the time and saw that it was 4:30, and Maddy and Colin were scheduled to be picked up from their ballet and soccer practices at 5:45.

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