How Was The Fall?

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Filtered light strains through my eyelids as I groggily became aware of my existence. My head feels like absolute crap, pounding deafeningly as I try to sit up. I move my hand to cover my eyes from the blinding light when I feel a huge gash across my face. I quickly bolted up, taking out my gun, my heart beating several times faster. I quickly remembered that my gun was unloaded so I loaded some bullets (some falling on the ground as I rushed to load it), spun the chamber, and cocked it in, ready to fire. I pointed the gun in front of me, breathing heavily as my eyes strained to see around me. Once the coast was clear, I looked up, seeing that I was in a gigantic hole and that not even my rock-climbing skills would be able to get me out. I sighed heavily, remembering the fight with the cougar. I wasn't dead, but I sure would be in a bit if I didn't find a way out of here.

I knelt to pick up the bullets that fell, feeling a sharp pain in my knee as I did so.

"Gah!" I gritted my teeth in pain. "Must've banged my knee from the fall." I looked up at the top of the hole; must've been about 100 feet tall. In disbelief, I looked down to see a bed of flowers that somehow managed to cushion my fall. In all my years of studying plants, never once did 'flowers' and 'defy gravity' ever cross paths.

"How the fuck am I even alive?" I asked myself.

Bearing the pain in my knee, I knelt and messed with the flower bed a bit, but all of it was just soil. There was no way the soil helped, at least, scientifically.

"Well... If it doesn't make sense scientifically, that means the only way it could work was if it was magic of some sorts." I dug around a bit more curiously.

Until I came across something hard.

"Well, that definitely wouldn't have helped, it's rock hard." I brushed some dirt off of it, and when I knocked on it, it sounded more like wood.

"Wooden, huh? Not much better either, especially through a layer of soil."
......"Naw something isn't right here. You don't just put a plank of wood under some flowers."

A weird, disturbing feeling came from the pit of my stomach, my mind pounding as it raced with the possibilities of what it was. No matter what I thought, it always came back to the one possibility: A coffin.

"No... no no no no. No this can't be."

I dug frantically, messing up the entire flower bed. The soil dug into my nails as I frantically dug in the ground, begging to God this wasn't what I thought it was. And there it was, the top cover of a coffin, the words Chara engraved on it. I covered my mouth in shock, getting up and taking a step back.

"Wh-what? B-b-but, no," I struggled to find words. "H-how? I-if they... d-died, how'd they g-g-get." My face paled at the word.


A lump formed in my throat as I tried to push back the tears welling in my eyes.

"S-someone did this, huh?" I took a step forward.

"Someone killed them." I covered the grave back up, replanting the flowers best I could.

"Someone murdered them, a defenseless child." I took my hat off my head, placing it on my chest, and I said a prayer to God, praying they died a painless death.

My face turned solemn as I placed my hat back on my head, the fire burning in my heart yet again.
I took a bullet out of my pouch and nestled it into the soil.

"JUSTICE will be served, Chara," I said, gripping my gun with such force my knuckles turned white.

I saw a hallway that went to an old-style doorway with no door. Whoever was behind there no doubt killed that child, and assuming there was no way out of this place, it didn't look like I'd ever be able to get out. But that didn't matter anymore. I didn't need to get out; I didn't need to escape afterward. The only thing that mattered was serving JUSTICE, even if no one would know of my good deed.

"Since what previously happened was 'magic', I'd assume the legend of what's down here might be true," I said to myself quietly. "If a monster does exist, I mustn't hesitate to shoot it. No matter how dumb it may seem, what happened shouldn't have happened. Who knows what's next."

I neared the doorway, limping on my injured knee. Upon walking, I painfully figured out my ankle was also sprained, but only when I moved it a certain way. This would seriously impede my movement ability, but I had range. I had a gun.

I leaned against the side of the wall, holding my dad's gun in my hand. I held my finger around the trigger, ready to pull it the second I saw someone... or something.

My heart beating fast, I slowly leaned sideways, peeking my head out the side door. Much to my surprise, it was just an empty room, with a bit of sunlight and a patch of grass with a singular golden flower.

I winced at the thought of another grave, but it seemed to me that this one was different. The last one had a bed of flowers, and this one only had one.

"Maybe... well, if they killed them, why would they bury them?" I thought to myself, the possibility suddenly occurring to me.
But I braced myself, knocking the thought away. I came here for JUSTICE, not to reason with the motives of a killer. I wasn't a dumb police officer like my dad, I was a... a sheriff. An outlaw, reverberating with JUSTICE. I didn't care for laws, or ideals. I came to set things right, not to lock someone up and hope the judicial system does its job.

With a deep breath, I entered the room, my gu- my dad's gun, in front of me. With slow, limping steps, I cautiously approached the center, a few feet away from the flower.


I whipped around, searching for the origin of the rustling noise. I could hear my heartbeat pulse in my ears as loud as drums, vibrating with such intensity. Was I truly this afraid?

I toughened up, stiffening my body.

The coast was clear, surprisingly. Maybe the sound was a bird? I turned back around, but the flower looked different.

"Howdy! I'm FLOWEY. FLOWEY the-"


I shot the gun instinctively, a loud, piercing bullet slingshotting towards the sound. A loud noise echoed through the underground, but all I could hear was my own heartbeat. I looked at the ground, seeing a bullet mark right in front of the flower, which looked surprised. Poor guy, I accidentally almost kill-

"Yo yo yo yo yo! Back up! BACK UP! BACK UP!" I pointed the revolver at the flower, my hand shaking wildly. My breathing became uncontrollable and at this state, even if I did shoot, I'd miss.

"H-how the fuck is this flower talking?" I thought.
"Well golly you could've-"
"NO!" I yelled. A long silence ensued.

"Weeeeell aren'tcha-"

"SHUT UP!" I interrupted him.

"B-but I-"


I was frantically breathing now, and my heartbeat wasn't making it any better. There it was, right in front of me, an entire talking flower. No... a monster.

The legends were true.

"Y-you k-k-killed them, didn't you?" I said.

The flower, Flowey, didn't respond.

"SAY SOMETHING!" I screamed at it, tears welling up in my eyes.

"SAY WHAT! YOU WANTED ME TO SHUT UP!" The flower spat back, obviously annoyed, yet confused.

"YEAH WELL NOW YOU SPEAK!" I raised my gun, stiffening my body to reduce my shaking. "Did you or did you not kill a child down here? Speak or forever hold your peace?"

Suddenly, I wasn't afraid anymore. Even though it was a monster, it was also a measly flower. What harm could it do to me?

"Wh-what are you talking about?"

The flower threw its vines, seemingly like arms, up in frustration.


"Nngh..." I grunted, displeased, yet relieved. "Well... I mean, you are JUST a flower, so."


I pointed the gun at the flower.

"Oh no you don't. You're gonna tell me everything! And I mean everything. Starting with the first child that went down here, and how you monsters exist."

The flower's face scrunched up, baring its teeth at me.

"I won't tell you shit!"

I sighed. "Then prepare to get JUST-"

A sudden running noise came from the other end of the room. I looked up ahead to see what resembled a goat and a person wearing some weird purple outfit barreling towards the room, fire in its hand. My eyes widened in panic.

"Shit! Another monster!"

I dived forward, grabbed the flower out of the ground, and pointed my dad's gun to its... head? No, its... petals? Disk florets?

The goat figure stopped moving, but the flower resisted, wrapping its vines around my arm.

"PUT ME DOWN!" It screamed.

"NO! NOT UNTIL SHE BACKS UP!" I winced, feeling the vines grip into my arm.
"I JUST WANT TO HELP YOU CHILD!" The figure yelled from the other room.

"PUT. ME. DOWN. NOW!" The flower spoke in such a menacing voice I couldn't help but throw it off of me. It slung off into the other side of the room, quickly rooting itself in its spot. I saw the figure continue to run down, making its way into the room. Suddenly, the flower was the least of my worries.

I took out my sickle, pointed it toward the flower, and pointed my dad's gun at the goat figure.

"BOTH OF YOU! STOP! OR I SHOOT!" Sweat was beading down my forehead like a hot summer day.

"DO IT! I DON'T CARE!" The flower yelled. The thought of them ganging up on me was quickly erased from my mind.

"No child, please," the figure, presumably a female by the way she looked and spoke, said in a soothing voice, "I just want to help. You can lay down your weapon. It's okay."

I gulped, feeling the pressure of the intense situation lying down on me.

"Not until you put down your fire!" I yelled back.

"I must protect you from the flower."

"ME! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!" The flower shouted.

"Shush you vile fiend!" She shot back.

"Child, you don't have to-"

"YES, YOU SHOULD! SHE'S VERY DANGEROUS! SHE'LL BURN YOU!" The flower screamed in panic.

"AHHHH!!!" I screamed, "GET BACK! GET BACK!"

"YOU STUPID FLOWER!" She yelled.

"IDIOT GOAT!" Flowey raised his vines at her and me.


The goat suddenly summoned fire in her other hand.




"JUST SHUT UP!" I screamed. Both of them stopped yelling. We were at a standstill; my dad's gun pointed at the goat and my sickle pointed towards the flower. The flower had both of its vines aimed at us, and the goat had both of her hands inflamed with fire.

Suddenly the goat spoke, "How about we all just lower our weapons?" She slowly extinguished the fire in her hand, but not the other one, which was directed towards Flowey.

"Not until you put away your fire. All of it." He said.
"Not until you put down your vine towards the child."

Flowey sighed, "Fine."

Flowey lowered his vines, and the goat put out her fire. The only one left with weapons was me, but I wasn't quick to trust.

"I don't know about you two."

"JUST DO IT!" Flowey yelled impatiently.

"FINE!" I yelled at him, stuffing my weapons onto my belt. "THERE! THERE! HAPPY NOW!?"

"Whatever," Flowey waved me off.

"Finally, we're all at peace," the goat said.

"I'm not," Flowey and I said at the same time.

The goat sighed, rubbing her temples.

"Flowey you should go."


"Because you could hurt the child." The goat looked over at me, her eyes scanning me over. I shivered.

The goat's eyes widened, her hands covering her mouth. My heart started beating fast again.
"WHAT! AM I MISSING A LIMB!?" I quickly checked over myself, but I was perfectly intact. The second I looked back up the goat was in front of me, kneeling to face me.

"Woah! Too close! Too close!" I yelled, backing up. But the goat pulled me forward. She placed her hand on my face, and a green light emitted from it. I was too stunned to scream.

"So that's magic!? Is it... healing me?" I felt the huge claw gashes on my face heal, only leaving what I presumed to be the remains of a scar by how she looked at me, her face somewhat displeased.

"Oh wow! So you heal him! But not me! Who got uprooted from the hands of him!"

As if she knew where I was hurting, she placed her hands on my ankle and my knee, and I could feel the bone and tissue healing from within. It was a weird, tingling sensation, but oddly soothing. But what bewildered me the most was that she was helping me. In all the stories, in all the legends, and even the video games, monsters were the enemy. But here one was, and she was... helping me?

Something isn't right.

I sighed, not wanting to do this at all, but my parents raised me right.

"I'm sorry for threatening you with the gun, misses-"

"Miss Toriel. Caretaker of the Ruins."

"Miss Toriel?" I spoke. She nodded in approval.


"Sorry for threatening you too Flowey."
Flowey didn't say anything, but I somehow knew he was at least mildly pleased. Miss Toriel laughed.

I fidgeted with my fingers, unsure how to ask my question, but I knew I'd been putting it off for a bit. After all, I still had a mission to do.

"So, Miss Toriel?"

"Mmm Yes, child?"

"I was wondering, did other humans like me ever fall this hole?"

I watched as her face went pale, and I knew I probably picked the wrong way to ask the question.

Definitely been fun writing this because I don't have the pressure as my other book has, which Ive been planning for like 5 years and still ain't wrote much of anything lol. This is just for fun.
Well anyways, like, subscribe, and- lol what're ya doin' dummy? This isn't YouTube. We have follows and stars. Pshh we don't have subscribers lol.

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