Chapter 35

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I groaned as I slowly came to. The first thing I felt was the pain at the back of my neck from sleeping in a weird position.

I slowly opened my eyes to stare down at my lap. What in the world! What was I doing sleeping sitting down?

I tried lifting my head and groaned again as I felt a numb pain at the back of my head. Instinctively, I lifted my hand to touch where it was hurting- atleast I tried to lift it because that's when I discovered that my hands were tied to the arms of the chair I was sitting on.

My eyes widened, darting from side to side, scanning the room in panic. My heart began pounding really hard and I felt bile rise up my throat in panic which I tried swollowing down as I discovered that I was inside an unfamiliar room with just four concrete walls and one single door.

How in the world did I end up here?

My heart was pounding so loudly by now as I remembered the brief moment in the office parking lot before I felt something hard at the back of my head and everything had gone dark.

Where was I? Who brought me here? Did David have me kidnapped? But how? Was he still that capable while still being in jail? Was he in jail? What if he had escaped and I hadn't even known!

Liam! What about Liam! Was he safe? They got me, dear Lord. Please don't let them have gotten Liam, too!

I wiggled and twisted my arm and wrists, trying to get my hands free. I can't stay here. I needed to find a way out. I don't care how! My fourteen year old boy was all alone in a house with people unrelated to him, and-

My hands stopped, my heart twisting in pain as I remembered the night before and this morning. How Oliver had ignored me and everything that Sasha said. This is the worst possible time to get kidnapped for sure!

How could I have been so stupid! I should be in that mansion right now, packing and getting myself and my son out of a place that we were not wanted in. Instead, my stupidity and my carelessness had ended me here.

Now, not only was Oliver burdened trying to accommodate us in his home, but he will probably be searching high and low for me.

Great, just great! You're great at always being a nuisance, Ashley, and Liam must be feeling so scared right now!

That's me thinking positive, hoping that he was safe and under the care of Oliver.

Please, dear lord, keep my son safe and away from these monsters, and please keep him safe and protected inside that mansion I can no longer think of as home.

I have to get out of here.. somehow.

Why can't David just leave us alone already, we hadn't disturbed him all these years. Why can't he? Now I just felt annoyance towards him and his relentless pursuit to harm us. I have had enough!

I felt my heart almost leap out my chest though as I heard the sound of keys rattling outside. Sweat broke on my forehead as I heard the lock turn and the squeak of the heavy metal door opening.

I gulped, feeling how parched my throat was as I hadn't had anything to drink in, I dont know how long as there weren't any windows here to show me what time of day it was.

I kept my eyes on the black shoes as I listened to their heavy footsteps as it approached me. It stopped a couple of feet away from me.

I wasn't scared of David anymore because I knew what that man was capable of, but that didn't mean that his accomplices didn't scare me.

There was complete silence as I took my time raising my face to look up at the person in front of me, and I was right to have felt scared. He looked manacing.

The man had thick dark hair, which was heavily gelled and slicked back. Tattoos ran down his strong, thick neck right down his muscular arm. At least, I assume it does as it disappeared under his pristine white shirt, which was hugging him like second skin. The sleeves were rolled up. It showed off all his muscles that he had gained either at the gym or beating up people, to perfection.

He looked beefy and scary, especially with black eyes staring down crooked a nose at me with a cold, empty look, and his lips curved in a sinister smile.

"Hello." He greeted shortly.

"So I finally get to meet Oliver Carlton's precious little girlfriend." He continued as I stayed mute. His voice laced with honeyed malice.

I felt a suffocated in his presence. Even though he was a few feet away from me, his size and the pure hatred that was dripping from his every look and every word left me breathless. I have never seen this man in my life, and I couldn't understand the reason for this much hatred.

"I must say it's a pleasure to finally meet you, my dear. Quiet frankly, I'm a bit hurt that he had to keep you so hidden from us. Why can't he trust us? We wouldn't hurt you if he let's us see you... not much." He added bitterly, his smile growing as he looked me up and down slowly, making a chill run down my spine at the evil look in his eyes.

I gulped before I finally opened my mouth to speak.

"I'm sorry, but I think you have the wrong person. I'm just his secretary. He was just protecting me from a crazy ex, that's all. And as for his girlfriend, he was with his her the last time I saw him. So please can you let me go now? I promise you that no harm will come to you or any one of your people for having kidnapped me. I am not that important." I said, my voice filled with hope, while I spoke clearly and as confidently as I could to convince him that he has the wrong person.

But I was disappointed as I saw him burst into a humorless laughter. To my annoyance, he actually wiped a fake tear from the corner of his eye.

"You crack me up, little lady. I can see why Carlton is so smitten by you."

Little lady? Seriously? I might be short compared to these giants that I seem to be encountering lately, but I'm not a midget for God's sake. Why does this guy have to emphasize my size in his every sentence?

"I told you, I am not his girlfriend, and Mr Carlton is definitely not smitten by me." I said through gritted teeth. What has this guy got against Oliver anyway?

"Ok, so you're not his girlfriend. Then why don't you explain all the security around you and the fact that he prefers to drive you around himself as much as he can, and also that he prefers to keep you in his mansion with the highest security we have seen there in years."

I opened my mouth to explain but got interrupted rudely.

"Oh yes, you said something about a crazy ex. David Wilson, is it?" He asked, making all the color drain from my face as I stared wide-eyed up at his empty black eyes.

"Sorry to break this to you kitten, but David Wilson cannot harm a fly. Not now, anyway. Carlton has completely destroyed the poor guy. There isn't a single person who would lift a finger to help him, let alone capture his ex-wife and child for him. He is nothing now. Carlton made sure of that, which brings us back to our discussion of you." He said, his tone mocking.

"Why would he do all that for a secretary, and why would he still keep you under his care when you are no longer in any danger with your ex, huh?

The obvious answer is that you are his girlfriend and you're in danger because of your current love, my dear. Every single mafia gang wants you thanks to your current boyfriend. Oliver Carlton is the reason why you are in danger now..."

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