Chapter 7

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Cameron has her arm locked with Elena's as they walk up to school

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Cameron has her arm locked with Elena's as they walk up to school. Cameron says, "So, where's Stefan? Have you talked to him?" Elena says, "He is avoiding me." Cameron says, "Why?" Elena says, "It's complicated." The bell rings and as they walk into the school, Matt walks out and says, "Hey." Cameron smiles and says, "Hey!" Matt walks past her and she frowns. Elena says, "What was that all about?" Cameron says, "I have no idea." They walk into their history class and sit down. The bell rings and a new teacher walks in and says, "Good morning, everyone. Alrighty." The new teacher writes his name on the board and says, "Alaric. Saltzman. It's a mouthful, I know. Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. Saltzman is of German origins. My family emigrated her in 1755 to Texas. I, however, was born and raised in Boston. Now the name Alaric belongs to a very dead great-grandfather I'll never be able to thank enough. You'll probably wanna pronounce it Alaric but it's Alaric, okay? So, you can call me Ric. I'm your new history teacher." Later, Cameron's sitting outside of school with Elena and Bonnie. Bonnie tells them about her dream and she says, "And then I ended up at the remains of old Fell's Church before I woke up back in the woods." Cameron says, "And you always see your ancestor Emily?" Bonnie nods and says, "Yeah." Bonnie says, "Do you guys believe in ghosts?" Cameron softly says, "Yeah, of course. I mean, if witches are real, then ghosts are 100% real." Elena says, "Two weeks ago I'd say no, but now--" Bonnie cuts her off and says, "I think I'm being haunted." Elena says, "I don't get it. Why Emily?" Bonnie says, "Grams said she was a powerful witch back in the Civil War days and that this medallion was hers, a witch's talisman." Cameron says, "And it all started when you got the necklace?" Bonnie says, "I think she's using it to communicate with me." Cameron says, "Okay. What does grams say about it?" Bonnie says, "I can't call her. She's gonna tell me to embrace it. I don't want to embrace it. I want it to stop." Later, it's after school and as Cameron walks to her car, Matt walks by her and says, "Hey." Cameron softly says, "Hey. What is that?" Matt stops and looks at Cameron and says, "What is what?" Cameron says, "The hey. You know it's twice. That is two heys, that... Do you have any other words in your vocabulary?" Matt says, "What's wrong with hey?" Cameron crosses her arms and says, "It reeks of awkward subtext. You spent the night in my bed, there was... cuddling and then you snuck out before dawn so you wouldn't have to face me, which I must say is a total lame guy move that I did not appreciate. And now with the heys? Seriously? I mean, I-I may have been some pathetic insecure mess after the party but do not mistake that for me being a pushover because I do not let guys mess with my head anymore." Matt says, "I heard your mom in the morning and I didn't wanna get you in trouble, so I went out the window." Cameron softly says, "Oh." Matt says, "And for the record, I would never take advantage of you. Even if you do get insecure when you're drunk. I just wanted to be there for you as a friend." Cameron softly smiles and says, "Thanks. You're really sweet." Cameron kisses Matt's cheek and walks away not noticing that she made Matt blush. Later, Cameron's sitting in the backseat of Bonnie's car with Elena up front and Bonnie's driving. Bonnie's telling them about what happened to Damon. Bonnie says, "He's bad news, guys. He really scared me." Cameron sighs and says, "That's what I've been trying to tell you guys." Elena says, "You need to stay as far away from Damon as possible." Bonnie says, "I'm trying. He just keeps showing up." Elena says, "I don't want you to be alone. You're sleeping at my place tonight. You too, Cam. We can make a whole night out of it." Bonnie pulls over to the side of the road and takes off her seatbelt getting out of the car. Cameron says, "Where are you going?" Bonnie takes off the necklace and throws it into the field and then she gets back into the car. Cameron leans forward and looks at Bonnie and says, "Are you okay?" Bonnie says, "Now I am. All my problems were because of that thing. I can't believe I didn't do that sooner." Elena says, "What's your grams gonna say?" Bonnie says, "Grams isn't the one being haunted by a 150-year-old ghost, is she?" Elena nods and says, "Okay, then." Later, Cameron's at Elena's in the kitchen with Elena and Bonnie. Cameron takes out the food in the takeout bag, while Elena gets the plates and napkins. Cameron says, "Okay, so are we doing manicures first or movie?" Bonnie says, "Let's do manicures." Cameron says, "Okay, then. Who has their kit?" Bonnie says, "Mine's in my bag." Cameron walks over to Bonnie's bag and says, "So, Elena. How long do you think this fight with Stefan's gonna last? Is it, like, a permanent thing?" Elena says, "I don't know, Cameron." As Cameron goes through Bonnie's bag to grab the kit, she finds Emily's necklace and she's confused. Cameron says, "Uh, guys?" Elena and Bonnie look up to find Cameron holding the necklace and Bonnie says, "What the hell?" Cameron says, "I swore we saw you throw it into the field." Elena says, "Yeah." Cameron says, "Then how is it back?" Bonnie says, "Emily. I wonder why she won't leave me alone." Cameron says, "Then let's find out." Bonnie says, "Find out what?" Cameron says, "Why she won't leave you alone." Elena says, "And how are we going to do that?" Cameron smiles and says, "By doing a seance." Later, the girls are in Elena's room sitting in a circle and in the middle of them are candles which are lit up. Bonnie's wearing the necklace and says, "What are we doing?" Elena says, "I don't know." Cameron says, "Shh. Be quiet and concentrate. Okay, close your eyes. Okay, now take a deep breath." Everyone closes their eyes and takes a deep breath. Cameron says, "Bonnie, call to her." Bonnie says, "Emily, you there?" Cameron opens one eye and says, "Really? Emily, you there? That's all you got? Come on." Bonnie says, "Fine. Jeez. Emily... I call on you. I know you have a message. I'm here to listen." The flames grow higher and the girls are startled and let go of their hands. Elena says, "Did that just..." Cameron says, "Yeah, it just happened." Cameron gasps feeling a slight chill and she rubs her arms. Bonnie says, "It's just the air conditioning." The fire grows higher and they all gasp. Cameron says, "Ask her to show you a sign. Ask her. Emily, if you're among us, show us another sign." Nothing happens and Bonnie says, "See? It's not working." Then the windows burst open and they all gasp startled. Bonnie rips the necklace off her and says, "No, I can't. I'm done." The candles blow out and Bonnie says, "Get the light. Please get the light on." Elena says, "Hold on. I got it." Elena flips the light on and Bonnie says, "You guys, the necklace, it's gone." The girls look everywhere for the necklace and Cameron says, "Isn't it obvious?" Elena says, "What?" Cameron says, "Emily, took the necklace." Cameron then sees a shadow walk by and Cameron has a frightened look. Bonnie says, "What's wrong?" Cameron says, "I don't know. I thought I saw a shadow." Elena says, "It could be Jeremy. Jeremy, are you home?" Elena checks the hallway and Bonnie says, "Um, guys." As Bonnie walks into the bathroom, the bathroom doors slams shut. Bonnie says, "You guys, open the door!" Cameron and Elena try to open the door buts it's locked. Cameron says, "We can't get the door open, Bonnie!" Elena says, "Bonnie, try the other door!" Bonnie says, "I did, it's locked." Then all of sudden Bonnie starts screaming. Cameron and Elena worriedly say, "Bonnie!" Cameron looks around the room trying to find something to break the door, when they hear the door unlock. The door opens and Bonnie has her face in her hands. Elena pants and says, "What happened? Are you okay?" Bonnie looks up except she's not Bonnie, it's Emily who took over Bonnie's body. 'Bonnie' says, "I'm fine." Cameron blinks and says, "You're fine? You scared the hell out of me." Elena looks at 'Bonnie' and says, "Bonnie?" 'Bonnie' says, "I'm fine. Everything's fine." 'Bonnie' walks out the bathroom. As 'Bonnie's' leaving, Cameron says, "Are you okay, Bonnie, you're not acting like yourself." 'Bonnie' says, "I must go. Thank you for having me. I'll take it from here." Elena says, "Where are you going?" 'Bonnie' says, "Back to where it all began." Cameron's confused and says, "Back to where what began? Bonnie?" As 'Bonnie's' is walking down the stairs, Elena says, "Bonnie." Cameron realizes that, that's not Bonnie and she says, "Oh, my God. Emily!" Emily stops at the bottom of the stairs and looks up at the girls and says, "I won't let him have it. It must be destroyed." The girls rush downstairs, and they both say, "Wait!" But Emily's out the door. As Elena tries the door, it's locked. Elena says, "I can't get the door open." Cameron tries to help Elena out when the door bursts open and they scream. Jeremy says, "What the hell?" Jeremy walks past them and Cameron says, "What are we going to do? How are we gonna get Bonnie back?" Elena says, "I don't know." Cameron says, "Do you think I should call my mom?" Elena says, "No, she's never gonna believe you. Um, just go home and I'll figure something out." Cameron says, "What can you do?" Elena says, "I'll tell her grams that Emily's possessing Bonnie." Cameron nods and says, "Good idea. Text me, when Bonnie's back." Elena nods and says, "Will do." Cameron nods and grabs her bag leaving Elena's. Later, Cameron walks into her room. As Cameron flips the light switch on, she is startled to see Matt and she grabs her chest and says, "God. What are you doing here?" Matt says, "Uh, your window was open. I thought you should know." Cameron walks over to her window and closes it and says, "So, what are you doing here?" Matt says, "Look, earlier today I lied." Cameron says, "About?" Matt says, "About being in bed with you. We cuddled and it creeped me out." Cameron says, "It creeped you out? So, that's why you left, not because of my mom." Matt nods and says, "Yeah. It's just I-I don't like you. I-I never have, but... It was nice." Cameron says, "What?" Matt says, "Being in bed with you, it felt nice. And so, I was thinking about it, and I thought that I should tell you I stayed the night because you were all sad and alone and I felt bad for you." Cameron nods and says, "Well, thank you, 'cause I love being a charity case. You can leave now." Matt says, "No, because I know. With Vicki gone and my mom off with Pete whoever... It's just me. So... I know." Cameron softly smiles. Later, Cameron walks into her room carrying junk food and she places it on her bed. The two enjoy each other's company. 

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