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Arthur woke up on his own. Still the snow outside was falling slowly as ever. He shifted his head to the ceiling and just only stared, barely thinking of last nights events. Before he knew it, his eyes were drooping down for he was still tired. But before falling asleep he heard a soft click. Arthur once again moved his head this time to the door. There stood (Y/n),  wrapped up in her winter clothes, ready to say farwell for the time being.

"Good morning, Arthur," her voice still quiet as ever. "I'm sorry if I woke you up. I just wanted to say goodbye to you before I head out."

"Alright then...I will see you around," unlike her voice his was very groggy.

"Since it's Christmas, there was still one store open out of all of them. It was a nice store, so I went over there and got you this," in her hands was a small box of Earl Grey Tea and a box of a tiny collectable car with the Union Jack printed on it.

"No, no, I can't accept it, (Y/n)," Arthur said sitting up.

"Not to worry, Arthur. It's a gift from me to you. It's Christmas after all!"

"B-but I didn't get you anything..." he complained.

"Your friendship was more than enough for me, Arthur," she smiled and walked over to his side of the bed. "Here, my Father used to collect these kind of cars. I saw one and thought that you may like one. This one is very rare, so I expect you to take care of it!" (Y/n) held out the box to him.

Arthur only looked at it and hesitantly reached for it. "Thank you very much, (Y/n). This is a true act of kindness."

"Yes, well it was my pleasure. I don't think there will be any transportation on this day, so I'll make my way home by foot. The roads are all close because of the snow," (Y/n) added. She was afraid of how Arthur would react to this sort of topic.

"I'll walk you home then. It's the least I could do," Arthur said getting up and headed to the bathroom.

"Wai-" a slam of the door was heard before (Y/n) could argue.

She sighed and decided to wait for him when he got out. She closed the door behind her as she headed to her room to fix the bed and clothes. A knock was heard moments later and Arthur was dressed in his winter caparison "Ready to go?"

There they were walking as the snow fell on their hair and melted quickly. Most people were out for walks with their family, and could see some tourists walking around taking pictures.

A growling sound was heard, and it came from (Y/n). She quickly put her hand on her stomach "Oops, excuse my improper action."

"Sounds like you're hungry, I bet there is some restaurants open. It is London anyway," Arthur walked faster and turned around the corner, (Y/n) right on his tail.

"Here, this is a good spot, it's nice and small. I'm sure you'll satisfy your hunger in here. Come on," he motioned with his head.

He was right, it was rather small, but everything looked fancy and smelled very nice. They both had a wonderful breakfast, (Y/n), making everything better for Arthur.

The snow still continued to fall as they walked out of the small restaurant. While walking, Arthur's teeth started to chatter. He tried to bury his head in his coat even though it was no use.

"Bloody hell, this weather," Arthur grumbled, but quickly shut his mouth and swatted his hand to it. "My apologies, (Y/n)! I don't usually curse in front of my friends."

"Really? I don't usually mind that much, I usually curse in my head where no one can hear it," she looked up to him with an innocent smile.

'How can anyone be this innocent? She's almost close to a child in a way!' Arthur looked down to her as they continued walking. Quickly after, his teeth started to chatter once again. He whined in the inside.

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