5.What Charms Can Do, What Charms Can Break

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Arthur was running as fast as he could to get home. How could he slept in so late? (Y/n) didn't help either to wake him up! Arthur was running out of breath and occasionally slipped on ice on his way home.

Today was the day that his little brother was coming--well not so little anymore. Arthur's brother had called him earlier telling him that he would be arriving at any moment just to tease his poor brother. He would be too late if his brother was there before him.

Arthur didn't think about taking a breather. When he got inside his house he was happy to see that his brother wasn't home yet. He ran up to his room and changed into suitable clothes for the day even though he wasted it by sleeping in.

When Arthur was done with tidying up the house he finally relaxed on the big couch and controlled his breathing. "Phew, that would've been a disaster," he said out loud. Arthur rubbed his one hand over his face and sat up.

A few moments later he heard the front door click Arthur sat up and turned off the telly and was ready to see what was coming. The door opened wide to reveal his brother.

Alfred, was finally here. Arthur couldn't be more happier to see his youngest brother, he wanted to tell him everything.

"Yo! My main man, Arthur!" He waved, Arthur ran to him and gave him a big hug as if he were the younger one. Alfred put his bags down and gladly accepted the hug with arms wide open just for his brother.

"Arthur?" Alfred patted his head, "I know it's been a long time...but you don't need to crush me!"

Arthur didn't move, his face was still buried in the tight hug "Arthur? Are you alright? I mean, you're not saying anything? Is everything okay on your side, dude?"

Arthur just shook his head slowly still not looking up. He started to whimper, finally his family that he could talk to was right here. Alfred always talked about his problems to Arthur, so why couldn't he?

"Hey, hey, hey, hey. Arthur, whatever happened to you, you can talk to me about it. I'm home, so it's all good," he looked around the house for any signs of anyone else.

Alfred remembered on the phone that Arthur was getting ready to propose, and Alfred was thrilled to hear about it. Though now, it was weird and confusing. His wife-to-be should be here to at least greet him.

"Arthur...um," he slumped his shoulders down and put two and two together. Arthur must've been rejected by Michelle, "Nevermind, bro. It's okay."

Arthur just continued to softly whimper and mumble what had happened on the day of his pain. Of course, Alfred felt like he would cry, he left his brother a while back after a fight that was major between them. Once he left he saw Arthur cry like before Alfred left. He hated himself for that, he cried when he went to America and realized it was too late to go back. From then on, he swore he wouldn't make his oldest brother cry and that he wouldn't hurt him anymore.

But here he is, crying into his shoulder by the front door. Sure, Arthur had lots of friends, but none them that he could actually talk to about this touchy subject. It was just Alfred and Arthur. It was only just Alfred and Arthur.

'How many times?' He asked himself, 'How many times did he cry himself to sleep?' Alfred didn't want to know. He sighed and layed Arthur down on the big couch and pulled a blanket over him. He might as well just unpack for the meantime. He was going to stay a while now that Arthur had this problem.

Whistling while walking, (Y/n) looked around the city. For once it was sunny in ol' Britain. It was nice to see the sun once in a while. She stopped by a bakery and bought a bag of scones. (Y/n) was going to suprise Arthur with a treat. He must be hungry after rushing out of her house. It was weird though, he was late for something. Though now that (Y/n) thought about it more maybe it wasn't such a good idea to wake Arthur up so late in the day.

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