7. He's Only My Friend

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Kiku kept shifting in his seat; not being able to focus on his food. He looked at Arthur and then to Alfred. Arthur was happily talking to (Y/n), and Alfred was listening to what they were saying. Of course they noticed Kiku but both Alfred and Arthur knew he was a quiet man and never usually talked while eating.

(Y/n) payed close attention to Arthur on how he talked about meeting Kiku. Their stories and adventures that they shared. (Y/n) laughed and chuckled at some comedies they shared also. Alfred laughed to but more louder than Arthur and (Y/n) which was completely normal.

Kiku looked down at his lap and played with his fingers. He had eaten his food with force so he wouldn't seem suspicious, but he knew he was going to regret it later. Water at the moment was his only saviour into keeping down everything that was piled up in his stomach.

Arthur had told (Y/n) before to not touch Kiku without his permission. Quietly though, Arthur didn't want to be rude. Now (Y/n) felt a little ashamed for putting her hands on Kiku. She knew it wasn't polite with anyone, no one likes to be touched out of no where.

(Y/n) scooted away from Kiku to keep their distance. She did not want him to feel uncomfortable. As she did so she continued talking to Arthur and Alfred as they ate.

Kiku did notice this though. How (Y/n) scooted away from him. He frowned at how he was self-conscious about himself. The message was obviously there, he was so much of an introvert that he doesn't know how to act in front of new people.

He leaned his head on his hand and took a sip of his drink from the straw. Was it because he talked quietly? Or was it because of how he wasn't outgoing? He only continued to ponder about it. He really did feel ashamed. Usually, Kiku smiled and was only outgoing with Arthur. But whatwas the difference between Arthur and (Y/n)?

He felt comfortable around them, (Y/n) already after a day! Kiku blew bubbles in his drink, all he was doing was thinking and thinking. He probably just wasn't himself at the moment, he felt slightly ill and no blood dripping was a good sign.

(Y/n) noticed that Kiku was blowing bubbles in his drink and that his eyes were slowly drooping. She tapped his sholder to get his attention to see if he was alright. When Kiku turned around, his eyes were red and his cheeks were flushed with red also. He was also paler than usual, too.

"Kiku? Are you alright?" (Y/n) asked inturupting Arthur. Arthur looked at Kiku, as did Alfred.

Kiku sniffed, blood was making its way down, "I'm fine. Just a cold that I had taken up. Just a simple illness."

"I don't think so, dude. You look terrible, it seems like you have a bad virus in you," Alfred sipped at his coke.

"Not to mention the blood dripping down your nose," Arthur said.

Kiku quickly took his hand up above his mouth. He didn't know it was this bad, there was too much blood. (Y/n) grabbed a napkin and handed it to Kiku.

"Thank you."

"Kiku, I think we need to take you home. You look very hot under all that clothing. You look very uncomfortable."

"No, no," he took a deep breath "I'm fine!"

"No, you're sick," Arthur got up from his chair, "I'll take you home." Arthur grabbed Kiku's wrist and walked out of the restaurant and took him to the car.

Alfred and (Y/n) looked at the door where they had left. Alfred slurping his drink looked at (Y/n). "I guess we have to walk then," Alfred said through his straw.

(Y/n) shrugged and frowned "I'll pay for th-" At mid-reach from her wallet (Y/n) noticed money by the check on Arthur's side. She sighed "Never mind, let's get going, Alfred."

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