the beginning of all

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Fourth's pov

As a 9year old kid it's great to meet some new people especially when the person is around your age however I was baffled how the things has turned out.

My name is fourth everyone adores me as I'm the most reliable and non problematic child in my neighborhood.I live in a small city called dreamland well surrounded by hills and mountains.the city live up to its name dreamland indeed it is, well behaved and friendly neighborhood and of course it's nature made this city a lovely cute little world.I was born and raised here I know everyone in my neighborhood since childhood I was quite reserved and well behaved kid.Everyone adored that at such a young age I knew how to be polite and respect as my parents and grandparents taught me that love, kindness and patience always wins and I believe in those things.

I now have a family of four since my grandpa died a year ago battling with mom ana is a housewife takes  care of everything and everyone's need, my father fanhan who is a teacher and of course my sister avy who always find chances to annoy me but with my politeness i still love her.I was close to my grandpa since I came to know my surroundings as a child.He used to tell me lots of stories about his life, hardships he had done and also the way my grandpa fell in love with my grandma.Really it was wonderful grandpa got to marry his love but was also sad that grandma left us way earlier in a process of giving birth to my father.

Since the death of my grandpa it was hard for me spend the night cause he will come to my room and tell stories hearing it I would sleep like its a lollyby.But before grandpa's demise he gifted me an orange tree at my 8th birthday which we planted right below my room so that I could watch and take care of it.After a whole year of care  orange tree became big and had big round juicy oranges all over the tree.Its presence make my whole day and night bright as if grandpa is with me.

In all 9 years of my life I've always encountered with people who are friendly and approachable,many say its my nature that makes people to act all nice but however destiny was not on my side as my previous neighbour moved like 2months ago and new neighbors were coming today to move in.I was excited to see new people and also the stories they've got to say about them well as a 9 y/o it excites you right?the truck horn made me run downstairs excitedly.As i watched 2 of middle aged male and female climb off the truck with kinda luxurious dresses which didn't match this city's vibe.I could see another boy coming out of it playing with his phone and headset hanging at his neck.Still his vibe didn't match this city's kids I could tell that their not just simple neighbors we used to have.

One by one they unloaded their things as a good neighbor I went towards them to offer a help which earned an endearing smile of the lady that pat my head in a loving way before saying,"you're really nice kid what's your name?" I couldn't help but blush from the loving gesture"my name is fourth I live next to your new house"I replied with my red blushing cheeks which was plumpy due to my smile."I saw you unloading your things so I thought of helping you a little"I added chuckling myself."you're indeed helping a little at least you know how the real world works outside of the PHONE" last word came out as an exasperation as she side eyed the boy who was now looking at his mother more like glaring before landing his eyes on me I couldn't find any answer about his stare as he had completely unknown gaze which I often didn't get and that made uncomfortable I couldn't do anything so I just smiled sheepishly.

After that time I got to know that couples are Mr.nick and mrs.ning they came from well known family 'The Norawits'.Norawits wasn't a big name before mr.nick's father found the cure to help reduce the cancer cells which helped alot for many people to extend their life,my grandpa too used the cure which earned him a few more years as I was told.

A month has passed since the norawits arrival but I wasn't able to be friends with the boy.Even when we were in the same school and same class we never crossed each others path it looks like he is avoiding me but why??I never did something wrong but there has to be some interaction between us for him to avoid me.since our first meeting we haven't talked or even stayed together even in class while arranging the feels more weird when he talks and plays with other kids even with my friends but not with me.if got the chance to be face to face his face would get dull or expressionless or just an  unknown gaze which I can't comprehend that always left me in a void.

Anyways I can't be bothered by his behaviour right? Yes,i was excited to be friends with someone new but its his loss that he doesn't want to be friends with me.but that isn't my concern right now cause grandpa's death anniversary is tomorrow and we are going to visit him.its just..i don't know how to explain a year ago he was with me now I can meet him but not in the same way.. I'm sad...

Ughh...this has to be my worst day even worse than grandpa's's the story.....I was with my family visiting grandpa and there I saw completely disheveled grave.I was kinda happy for visiting grandpa I missed so much I adored him in every possible way but just to see his grave completely out of shape is boiling my blood inside me I never felt this much anger I even took it out on ma,pa and grave's worker  for not taking care enough.As i got home i immediately went inside my room slamming the door shut telling my family to not interfere but I couldn't stop tears from flowing when I saw the orange tree from my window.the wind made me smell fresh orange which reminded me of my grandpa,when he gifted me this tree with his loving adorable smile blessing me with outmost care.

I cried remembering all the things we used to do together.the tree began to shake only then i realized I was staying still against the door looking through the window.the tree continued to shake I walked towards it peeking from my window only to see the boy who has been ignoring me since we first met was about to climb a little with the help of his other friends there were 4 of them prom,mick,mark and him.I lost my brain when I saw him plucking out the oranges also not caring about the branches which were now scattered on the ground.I couldn't believe my eyes when he knowingly turn to me with a smug on his face only then i realized he was aware of my presence still he did it.i couldn't say anything as I was contemplating what has happened he just take one glance at last and ran.

I couldn't help crying my eyes out from the scene in front of me can someone really do this? can't someone care about others feeling? can't someone see what their doings do to other?for the first time in my life he is the one i dislike the most for what he did even when i wasn't at fault he punished me.I've never taught to hate someone so i cant say i hate him cause hate is such a strong word for a kid like me but I don't like him either.So I guess I don't want to be your friend anymore you started this little dislike game and now I will reply you in every possible way I can and I will be the one ending this game too...

Well thats it for today if possible I will update tomorrow so goodbye for now and a few chapters will be in fourth's pov so hang in there🥰also the place and medical information is all part of my imagination n story too so don't take it seriously

my love blossoms from an orange tree Where stories live. Discover now