new or old

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Long chapter here:


I think life is all about embracing new wonders while letting go of old treasures.

As I was boarding the bus to 'emrome' I couldn't help but reminiscing my old memories throughout this city, it's road, it's park, it's peaceful nature,the neighborhood,especially the places I went with grandpa.All this is a part of my life that I can't forget even if I wanted to.I will really miss you my dreamland you gave me my best childhood days.

As the bus stopped after 8hrs of journey I was torn between feeling excited and nervous at the same time.My inner child was excited to explore what this city has reserved for me at the same time my adult self was nervous thinking about possibilities to survive in this city.

It took me another 1hr to reach my university.It was already night and I was exhausted so I didn't wonder around uni.Upon reaching my room with the help of administration I immediately dosed off waiting for what was about to come in my life.

Next day, I woke up fully refreshed 10hrs of sleep really is the best.Classes will start after a week so I wasted no time finding suitable job for me.Being only tutor won't help me survive in this city and provide even a little for my family.Next thing I knew I was in front of this middle aged male all intimidating taking my interview.

I have history of working at a restaurant as a cook.maybe its god's timing that mr.joo's restaurant needed a cook who can start working immediately.And I was the better candidate.I started working as soon as possible after completing university work.Mr.joo looked intimidating but after spending only 2 days with him I knew he was a co-worker were also really nice and welcomed me wholeheartedly.

A week was spent in a blink today my uni life will start.It was 6am when I woke up completing my morning routine I headed towards uni.Law department was full of crowds it was the first day.After the day of graduating high school I've never been in crowded place so at first the crowd overwhelmed me.

After a while calming myself I followed the way to my class.It was great and meeting new people has always brought me joy also I made myself a new friends satang,prim and phuwin.even they weren't as struggler as I am they were really friendly and I felt comfortable around them.

After finishing my class I immediately returned to my work which started at 2pm but lasted until 10pm,sometimes a little too late.I didn't have to come out from the kitchen so it was good.It went on like this everyday.Uni's assignments and projects and my job was taking up my space that I barely had time for myself.And I haven't had time to explore whole uni cause my job starts almost immediately when I finish my class.Its great that it tooks only 15mins to reach at mr.joo's from my uni.

A month has passed and I got used to this city.Never in my dreams I thought I would come this far in a city full of strangers I actually survived without my family and my comfort zone(home).Now satang, prim,phuwin were my new home.the more I spend my time with them the more we became feels like I've known them from forever which is odd but great at the same time.

All the new changes were overwhelming but I managed to not be bothered by it as I simply explored my life being able to fulfill my dream to study law and be a supporter for
my family.I spent most of my time going uni and to work.even my friends had to come meet me at restaurant outside the uni.I didn't have time to do what other teenagers did nor do I wanted to.Going to work,to uni and to meet my friends is all I want.

Everything was fine until one day I saw mr.nick and mae ning coming in towards my university.since I moved here I never had time to talk with mae ning and I missed her so without hesitation I went towards them and greeted.they were surprised to see me but returned my gesture.

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