the outburst

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A month has passed from that day.about a week I tried to take revenge but I didn't know how coz I will have to do something to hurt him in return but that's not how i was raised, that's not how my grandpa wanted me to be,so I just simply ignored his existence.

Which was hard though, I live next door to him and my friends circle still revolves around him.whenever my friends calls me to play I would reject them coz I don't wanna face him if I do I'm afraid I'll do some crazy shit to hurt him and I don't want to be that now I spend most of my time with my family and also mrs.norawit.

Speaking about her in these past months we became good friends.she will come to hangout with my mom and me when she's free cause most of the time mr.nick was in hospital and of course that boy was out to play or just in home playing mobile that's what I was told.mae ning and I talk about a lots of stuffs though I haven't told her about her son's doing its between me and him only I don't want to involve family into this.

As neighbors norawits and my family began to be close.sometime we had dinner together.they never knew about that boy and me having cold war as mostly I tried to be civil,as for him he was still with those dull eyes.

It was a sunday evening I just finished my homework when I heard a knock on my door it was mae ning.she asked if I can give her a hand in the kitchen as she was making a traditional dish apparently I knew the recipe and my mom was out for groceries.Its passed 7 already when we finished,we were laughing and chatting all the time we didn't notice that the boy was already in the kitchen with some hurt expression in his eyes.I came to know later that it was for his birthday mae ning wanted to surprise him with his favourite dish.

That evening didn't turn out well cause the boy left the house without saying another word.the silence was clear that I will never find answer for that action.somehow I felt he will now hate me even more but what did I do wrong??

Next few months were completely out of control cause sometimes that boy will become friendly and talk to me like we never had a history before and at the same time he beated the icewall for being cold, ignoring me leaving me abruptly between friendly conversation when he himself wanted have some decent "talk",also doing things to annoy me to the level where I reach my breaking point.He would climb off our little wall surrounding the house early in the morning to steal oranges.No matter how ruthlessly I would scold him to not steal my oranges he never listens.and the worst part is that my family finds it somehow cute and funny.

Never in my life I dislike a person this much,I'm this close to hate him hope he wouldn't do something to boil my blood.

And everyday went on like this for next 9 years.upon reaching adulthood I discovered many hidden secrets about me and this world which I cannot unravel as a things have changed in so many ways that I find solace in locked rooms.rather than going out I prefer to be home and simply enjoy my introverted life.

Hello again, I'm fourth nattawat but not the same fourth as a kid you used to know.I'm not playful and cheering kid anymore.somewhat along the way I lost my inner child now I'm more like a adult whose living in his parents house burdening yourself when your parents deal with the crisis of raising two kids with one income.

As the adulthood unravels it takes you to a forbidden door of success with a heavy burden of duties.I'm 18 years old now and with one income source it's difficult to follow the path you want and eventually you have to settle for what has given to you.

As soon as the highschool ended I found myself working my ass off to provide for my family.with the condition of mine I couldn't think of applying for university while my childhood friends dream began to spand in another big city.

I felt left out but I still had this now and then brat,orange stealer as my neighbor.who apparently failed an exam and was held back to give another exam to increase marks before applying for university.

With the ray of light my dad found a scholarship for my further studies.the university provided scholarships to teacher's children and to one which have great grades.I was qualified for both so I didn't think much when I accepted the scholarship and settled to go another city named 'emrome'.the university provided a hostel room and that was enough for me also I could be a tutor for university which was a plus point.

Tomorrow I will be living outside of the house for upcoming years which was kinda scary for an introvert like me.But having a chance of helping my family even a little bit I would do anything.

Early in the morning I was awaken by the familiar sound of shuffling.there he was again stealing my oranges for the oh.. I have lost count on this.I looked through my window revealing the boy meeting my gaze.I got immediately annoyed by seeing his face more annoyed by the look of his smug.I believe this is the last I will see him early in the morning.

"How many times have I told you to not steal oranges from your beloved neighbor?Please read the notice attached to the tree"I said already fuming how he managed to laugh at my outburst."ohoo I just came to say goodbye my little neighbor.I'm going too far, to university so it will be peaceful for you being here alone noh.. I just came to congratulate you hehe."

Damn this brat has to come early in the morning to mess with my head everyday?? Really I'm this close to hate you boy.well I'm also going to university you brat. I'm not going to say this to you and I don't want you to know where I am and what I'm doing after this meeting."well then thank you, its great that you're leaving but listen I won't miss you so go tell those who actually be sad that you're leaving.oh wait there's no one right?sorry I forgot that you messed with everyone in these neighbourhood and everyone will be thrilled to know that you're going far away including me so get out of the house and let me have a good sleep for awhile you buttface." I clasped my lips together to hold me from laughing.his eyebrows was knitted together and he was red which I haven't see it throughout the years.He didn't argue but left immediately giving quick glance at last like he always do.

I really believe this will be the last time we will see each other..


Sorry for the late update got caught on something.really hope you enjoy reading and like I said a few chapters will be in fourth's pov so stay tuned for gem's pov.again the situation,place is not real don't relate this in real life.thank you!

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