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Thinking back about my life I've always got the opposite of what I wanted,I guess this is one of the moments.

Upon reaching gemini's condo we both had dinner and never spoke about what happened at the hospital and as always I never got to know why he hates me.Well I'm used to his behaviour so why bother??

I was helping mae ning to wash dishes when mr.nick invited me to his room.I excused myself and went to mr.nick's room along the way I couldn't help but notice an icy gaze following me with confusion written on his face.

It was already 11pm when I got into gemini's room.I was super tired also tomorrow I have to got to uni plus work too.

"What are you talking about with my dad??"the sudden voice startled me.there he was again naked...well half naked only wearing half trouser.anyway...

"What do you mean?"I asked not wanting to look at him I just lay down on bed on my stomach.

"Since you arrived here you always talk with my dad like for hours so what do you talk about.I knew ma is close to you so I understand if you spend your time with her but my dad??and I also know my dad won't spend his time for little chitchat so what's the secret you two hiding hmm??"walking to his closet and wearing a black t-shirt gemini asked.

"There's nothing like you're presuming ok, there's no secret it's just we have same interest to talk about something that's all."

"I know you're lying just tell me what's going on with you and my dad??"I felt his intense gaze towards me from his side of the bed asking for an answer.

I can't..sorry..

"What is wrong with you?you say you hate me and now you're talking with me as if you're words from yesterday night didn't hurt me??first you tell me your reason to hate me then I will tell you about me and mr.nick's conversation."

Pin drop silence again.I knew after this he won't be able to interrogate me so"unlike you I have to get early in the morning so would you mind giving me space I'm tired of today."already sounding sleepy I said.

I heard some mumbling before he went to sleep.I couldn't catch what it was as I was already sleeping soundly.

"HEY hey!wake up and turn off your alarm will you??" I woke up instantly somehow scared of his voice it didn't go unnoticed by him.As I was turning off the alarm he said,"you sleep like a dead man so I had to shout and please change your alarm tone ok it's boring."

"Yeah like you"I mumbled slowly getting up from the bed."what did you say?"asked gemini frowning again early in the morning.Sighing I just turned to go to the bathroom before saying,"nothing, I'll think about your suggestion."

Oh shit!! it's already 6am and I don't have my uniform.Uni is only one block away from here but changing my dress will take my time which I don't have any.I have to be in class at 6:30.what will I do?

With gemini's bathrobe on I got out of the bathroom this brat is still sleeping.oh wait!he doesn't have any classes so he's dress won't be in use also our height difference is quite similar but will he let me borrow his uniform??

Well I have to try

"Gemini,gemini" I tried to wake him up shaking him a little.

"What happened again?wait how dare you wear my bathrobe?"

"Don't be angry I didn't have my uniform to change so I had to use your bathrobe but that isn't the concern right now umm..will you let me borrow your uniform for today.I promise you that I will wash your dress well and give it to you please"I pleaded cause I have no other choice.

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