begin again

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Warning: mentioning of S/A


They say,"life is all about changes,embrace the change and live on."

But as a 9 year old kid should I really appreciate the changes that is happening around me??

We are'The norawits' a well known family that created history in medical field.First,my grandpa then my dad ruled the medical field from their dedication towards their work which garnered help for many people.Though we were considered to be big names our lifestyle was ordinary.

Gemini is my name,a single child from two powerful norawit people mae ning and mr.nick.As everyone knows my dad is a well known,most respected doctor and my mom has a fashion brand named'the gem'.I love my parents,they will make time for me whenever they can, sometimes even cancelling their appointments when I needed them.Even so,my childhood spent in a day care or at uncle and aunty's house.

My uncle mr.mhok is also a doctor he's just a step lower than my dad at the hospital as he decided to join in late.My aunty Lila is only 20 years old housewife.They had triplets all boys from my previous aunt who died giving birth to them.They are around my age so we get along pretty well.I was always at their house when I wasn't in daycare.

My parents do live with me but not always.3days per week we have family time.Just 3 days a week I could spend it with my mom and dad.We would laugh,have some quality time,visit places and tell eachother about their life .

Since childhood I was raised this way so I didn't think much about it.Until one day, I was at my uncle's,cause my school was cancelled.I went there to play with my siblings but they were at school.I planned to wait for them.

I waited there while watching cartoon,Lila came to me and gave an orange juice as she knew it was my favourite.I drank it all but after a while I suddenly felt hot inside me and suddenly it was so painful I believe I blackout cause I don't remember anything after that.

It was at night I became conscious and saw the horror.I was lying on uncle's bed with aunt Lila and both of us were naked.I winced when I tried to run from there but was failed miserably.I couldn't walk my member was all red and it hurts so bad.I don't know what happened but I barely made it out of the room.I had a phone my mother gave me,just in case.

I hurriedly took it out,it was off not because of the battery,I shrugged it off and called my mom she picked it up immediately,"where the hell have you been,we were trying to reach you,tell me where are you?"then I realized I hadn't told anyone that I was at uncle's home.

I don't know what and how to tell her.I couldn't bear the pain I was feeling I cried.While talking on phone I just told my mom to pick me up.

After several days,I came to know that my aunt was arrested by my uncle and my dad stating that my aunt spiked my drink and abused me.Apparently she was unsatisfied with my uncle.I clearly didn't know what exactly happened to me if I try to remember there was some nasty things that I can't quite word it out.It felt so disgusting to the point that I began to hate oranges.Even if I try to take one or two bites it will make me puke horribly.

One snap and my life was fully changed.I isolated myself, seeing this my mom chose to be with me and took an assistant at her job so she can spend time with me without worrying about her job.At time like I guess I needed someone by my side but since I wasn't used to mom being with me everyday taking care of me it felt so wrong in some way that I don't even understand.In return I became more irritated and agitated.

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