2: A Mount-Rageous Transformation

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Y/N opened their eyes to a blinding light. They squinted and rubbed them, adjusting to the brightness. Their body felt stiff and sore. They slowly got up, their eyes trying to adjust to the white light. They look at their hands.

'Why do I only have 3 fingers?' Y/N muttered in shock, waking up. It's not like they were missing or anything, they're just short a couple. They sat up and looked around, confused. Where the hell were they? The last thing they remembered was being in their apartment and a bunch of sparks and...

'Am I in a random public bathroom?'

It seemed like they were in a stall, as the door was shut, but it was really bright and the tiles were a weird colour. It felt too clean. Too sterile.

Y/N stood up and opened the stall, taking a look around. They could here music booming from outside. They got to the mirror.

"What the fuck!?" They exclaimed, their voice was much deeper and raspier than before. The person in the mirror was a different person entirely.

Their face was round, with big cartoony eyes, a teensy little nose and hair that looked like it was made out of rubber. They were super skinny and lanky, and their outfit was an animal onesie with baggy legs - a bat to be specific. They were like, a cartoon.

"What the actual fuck!?"

Y/N felt the fabric of the onesie. It was very soft and very comfortable. And the ears were pretty cute.

"Okay... Okay... Let's not panic..." they said, "Let's figure out what happened, and where the hell I am."

They took a deep breath, looking at the cartoon in the mirror. It was a surreal experience. I mean, what even were they? They didn't know. All they knew was that they were in a public bathroom in a club of some sort.

'I'll figure this out. Just have to think rationally. That's the only thing I can do right now.'

They walked out the bathroom and into the club. It was filled with people who looked like they came from a different universe, a different world. They were bopping about and seemed to be immersed in the music the two popstars onstage were singing.

'What is this place?'

Y/N was dumbfounded. This was something out of a video game, a fantasy novel, or a dream. They could feel their head spinning and their eyes were wide. They looked around, and saw a poster on the wall. 'Velvet and Veneer; live tonight at Club Rage!' it read.

'I'm in a nightclub.' they thought, 'That makes sense, at least. But how did I get here? Where even is "here"? Where is my body? What is this thing I'm wearing?'

So many questions ran through their mind. They had to calm down. They had to clear their head.

Y/N stepped away from the bathroom, the music and lights getting louder and brighter as they got further into the club. The crowd was dense, and the air was warm. They could barely move, but they made it to the front, the popstars singing and dancing on the stage right in front of them.

They stared at the two performers. One was a girl, with long, green hair in a ponytail who domineered the stage and rocked pink lipstick, and the other was a guy with green lipstick and matching green hair in a mullet who seemed more like a supporting singer. They were both pretty tall.

'I wonder if those two are famous... their clothes look pretty fancy,' Y/N pondered.

They had their eyes on the guy for some reason, something about him just looked interesting. He was a bit more on the shy side compared to the girl, who seemed to be more energetic and confident. His voice was softer and calmer, and his body language was less aggressive. He had a cool and collected aura.

'I wonder what his name is...'

As if reading their mind, the guy winked and pointed his mic at the crowd, a playful smirk on his face. 'Hiya everyone! How're y'all doing tonight?' the green haired girl asked, her voice sweet and friendly. The crowd erupted in cheers and hoots, making her chuckle and the boy grin. 'You guys are amazing! I'm Velvet, and this is my brother Veneer!'

'Velvet and Veneer...' Y/N repeated the names, a small smile on their face. The names seemed to match the personalities of the two performers.

Oh crap, they were getting distracted. They had to get home.

They needed to find someone, anyone who could help them, and fast. They weren't sure how long they could take being here.

Y/N started to look around for a way out, and their eyes met the bartender. The bartender looked at Y/N, a confused look on his face.

'What's up, dude?'


'You seem stressed. Are you alright?' the bartender asked, a concerned expression on his face.

'Does he know who I am? Can he tell me what's going on? How does he know who I am?' Y/N asked themself.

'Umm... I'm not from around here, I don't know where I am or what's going on...' they replied.

The bartender laughed, shaking his head. 'You're pretty funny. But seriously, are you alright?'

'Seriously. I don't know where I am!' Y/N said, feeling frustrated. They didn't want to be here, they didn't know where "here" was, and they were stuck. They needed to get back home.

'Hey, calm down. You'll be alright.' the bartender reassured, 'Let me make you a drink. On the house.'

Y/N nodded, taking a seat on a barstool.

'Okay... so... I'm stuck in a nightclub. I'm not even in my body anymore, I'm in this weird cartoonish thing, and I can't go home. How is that okay? How is any of this okay?'

'Yikes. On second thought, I'll get you a coke. I think you've had enough to drink already.'

Y/N chuckled, rolling their eyes. The bartender slid them a can of soda and popped the tab open.

Velvet and Veneer start a new song. It was more upbeat and peppy, with Velvet singing most of it and Veneer almost in her shadow.

'Can I ask you something?' Y/N said, sipping on their drink.

'Sure.' the bartender responded.

'Are these two popstars well known around here?' they asked, pointing to the performers onstage.

'Yeah. Velvet and Veneer are like, the most popular people in Mount Rageous. Are you okay? I've never seen a Mount Rageon who's so oblivious...'

'I'm from Earth, not Mount Rageous.'

The bartender chuckled. 'Good joke. I don't know what Earth is, but it sounds like a fun place.'

'You have no idea...'

Y/N was getting more and more frustrated. It's like they were the butt of the universe's jokes. Why did they have to be in this stupid place, when they could be at home watching Netflix and eating ice cream?

'Whats a Mount Rageon?' They ask.

'Well, what you and me are.'

Y/N remembers their cartoony appearance. Are they now a Mount Rageon?

'So, where is this, um, Mount Rageous? Is that the city I'm in?'

The bartender laughed again. 'Dude, are you serious? Yes, this city is Mount Rageous. Are you okay?'

Y/N was getting annoyed with being asked if they were okay. They weren't, but they didn't want to make a scene. They begin to feel lightheaded.

word count: 1187 words

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