6: Late Night Talk

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After dinner, they went to Veneer's bedroom.

'So, do you like, wanna play truth or dare or something? Or we could watch a movie. Up to you, honestly.' Veneer said casually.

'Truth or dare sounds fun. We'll have to be careful not to wake Velvet, though.'

'She's a heavy sleeper. She won't hear us, even if we yell. I've tried. It's kinda funny, actually.'

'Okay. I'll start. Truth or dare?' Y/n grinned.

'Dare. Duh.'

'I dare you to... eat one of your socks.' they giggled.

'Ew! Seriously? Ewwwww! No way. Give me another one. Please??'

'Okay, fine. I dare you to... go outside Velvet's door and say something embarrassing.'

'Like what?'

'I don't know. You're the one who's supposed to be doing it. Go on!'

Veneer went over to Velvet's room, and knocked.

'What do you want, Veneer? What did I say about not bothering me after 9pm? I need my beauty sleep.' she said, opening the door and yawning.

'I love you, sis. More than anyone or anything in the world.' he said, and walked back to his room.

'Happy now? That was soooooo embarrassing. I can't believe I said that out loud.'

'Yep, I'm happy. Your turn now.' Y/N said, smiling.

'Okay, I guess I'll get revenge now. Truth or dare, Y/N?'

'Ummm... truth.'

'Hmmmm. Okay. Have you ever been in a relationship?'

'Yeah, actually. Didn't last long, though. I wasn't ready. He was kind of a jerk anyways.'

'Awww. That sucks. I'm sorry.'

'It's okay. It was a while ago. Now it's my turn. Truth or dare, Veneer?'


'How many people have you dated?'

'I've never dated anyone before. I haven't really met anyone who makes me feel, like, you know, "that way".' He said, looking kind of embarrassed.

'Really? But you're so... charming.' Y/N said, holding their tongue to not come off weird. 'How has no one snatched you up?'

'I don't know, to be honest. Maybe it's because I'm not very confident in myself. And also because of Velvet. She can be kind of intimidating. And, like, really mean. I don't want her to scare them off. And also cause I'm kinda famous now, and I'm totally terrified of getting in a relationship with someone who just sees me as Mr. Moneybags or whatever.' Veneer sighed.

'Don't worry, Veneer. I'm sure you'll find the right person. If anyone doesn't like you for who you are, then they don't deserve to be with you.'

'Awww. Thanks. I think I've got a crush on someone, but I'm not sure how to tell them. Maybe I'll ask Velvet for advice.' He looks away, continuing to be embarrassed.

'That's a good idea. She might seem like a bitch sometimes, but I think she really does care about you. I can see it in the way she looks at you.'

'Thanks. I needed that. Now, back to the game. Truth or dare, Y/N?'

'Truth, obviously. I've got a feeling you'd try to get back at me for the last dare.'

'Darn... Well, what's your favourite thing about me?' He said, winking.

'Hmmm... I don't know. I'll have to think about that. I like your eyes, but that's kind of cliche. You have nice hair, and a nice voice, and a nice sense of humour. I like a lot of things about you. It's hard to pick just one.' Y/N blushed a little, and looked away.

'Wow, um, thanks! That's, uh, really nice of you...' Veneer's cheeks turned pink and he looked away awkwardly.

They sat there for a moment.

'Okay. Truth or dare?' Y/N said, trying to break the silence.

'Umm... Truth!'

'How are you two so good at singing? You and Vel, I mean. Have you guys been taking lessons for ages or something? What's your secret?' Y/N grins.

"Wh- what?" Veneer's posture straightened and he looked nervous. "What secret? We don't have a secret, haha! That would be absurd!"

"Woah, okay, Veneer, calm down! It was just a question." Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure everything's okay?"

"Y- yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. Uh, I think I'm going to go to bed now! It's getting late! Gotta sleep!" He stood up and speedwalked to the door. "Goodnight, Y/N! See you tomorrow! Good night!"


"GOOD NIGHT!" And with that, Veneer left the room.

Y/N sighs and lied down onto their bed. Did they blow it? 

"Shut up. Like you had a chance anyways." They muttered to themselves, rolling onto their stomach and faceplanting into the pillow. They felt like screaming. was it something they said? It was going so well until that last bit. Why was he acting so evasive and nervous? It was just a question.

Whatever. Veneer was right- it was getting late. Y/N hoped this wouldn't affect their relationship with Veneer and they could just move past whatever went on that night.

word count: 813

A/N: this chapter feels kinda nothingburger, but let me know what you think! It's also the shortest by far but it was originally supposed to be included in part 5 before I split the chapters up. Thanks for all the kind words, everyone!

- suzi

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