5: Filming

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The next day, Y/N woke up a lot happier. They had slept well, and were looking forward to their day. Veneer was gone, but they didn't mind. They went down to have breakfast, and were greeted by Velvet.

'Sleep well?' she asked.

'Yeah, actually. Thanks.'

'I heard you two had a little midnight rendezvous last night, and Veneer wouldn't tell me what happened. What's up?' Velvet said, smirking.

'Uh, I got a little homesick, that's all. And scared. I'm okay now, though, thanks to Veneer.'

'Oh, I getcha. Yeah, it's weird to not be able to visit home, or at least contact them. Well, you're welcome here for as long as you like. And if you want, I could set you up with a phone. There's not exactly a huge range of options, but I'm sure you'll find something.'

'That'd be really cool, thanks!'

'No worries. It'll probably take a day or two, but you can use mine or Ven's in the meantime.'


'No worries. Oh, and tomorrow we're planning on taking you on a little shopping trip, seeing as you have nothing to wear. For now, feel free to take whatever you want from our wardrobes. I wouldn't normally be so generous, but all I'm wearing for today is this and the outfits provided for the music video, so it's not really any skin off my nose. You'll be helping us out by trying stuff on, anyways. So go crazy!'

'Thanks, Velvet.'

'Again, no worries.'

'Right, the shoot's not until later. Wanna do something fun, or just chill?'

'Let's just hang out. Maybe we can watch a movie or something.'

'Cool, cool. Check Pickflick. It's on demand.'

'Great, thanks.'

'No worries.'

'So, where's Veneer?'

'Probably out and about. He likes walking. I wouldn't bother him though, he's normally out there when he wants to be alone.'

'Alright. Thanks!'

'No problem.'

Y/N went and put on Pickflick. It's like Netflix, but Mount Rageon. There's a lot of movies, and they had no idea where to start. They didn't recognise any of them.

'Need help?' Velvet asked, walking into the room.

'Yeah, actually. I can't decide what to watch.'

'Well, I personally like action films, but if you're not a fan of explosions and violence, there's a pretty decent collection of romcoms.'

'I think I'll stick to action.'

'I knew you were a good one. Any particular movie you have in mind?'


'Okay, well, I have a few favourites. There's The Adventures of the Rock Monster, a classic. Then there's the latest instalment in the Space War series, which was pretty good, but nothing compared to the original. Oh, and I haven't watched it yet, but critics says this new film called The Great Dilemma is really good. Apparently it's a drama/romance/action flick about two people falling in love during a war.'

'Sounds interesting. I'll go for that one, thanks.'

'No worries.'

Velvet put on the movie, and the two of them sat down to watch. The movie is quite enjoyable. The protagonists, two main characters, meet during a war between their kingdoms. They both fall in love, but their kingdoms are enemies, so it's doomed from the start. The two of them have a lot of adventures and go through a ton of trials, and end up together at the end, despite the odds.

'Pretty good, right?' Velvet asked as the credits rolled.

'Yeah, I liked it.'

'It's a shame Veneer's not here, he's a total romantic. He would've loved this movie. But then again, he's the type to cry over sappy shit, and that's not really my cup of tea. Anyways, we should get ready for the music video shoot. It's getting late, and we have a lot of work to do.'

'Should I come too?'

'Why not. You'll probably enjoy it. Come on, follow me.'

Y/N followed Velvet to the set. It's pretty cool. They had a few different locations and sets, all with their own props and lighting rigs. Veneer was already there. Velvet rushed over to him and whispered something in his ear, which was mostly inaudible. All Y/N could make out was 'We have to...' and incomprehensible muttering. Veneer nodded and the siblings went into the set's dressing room for a moment, and returned shortly.

'Alright, we're ready!' Velvet called out, and everyone seemed to spring to life. Cameras were set up, the lighting rig was checked and adjusted, and a bunch of people began moving around the set, checking things and talking in excited voices.

'You'll love this, Y/N, our new album is amazing. This song is a total banger.' Velvet explained.

'I'm sure I will.'

Y/N sort of dozed off for most of the filming. It was mostly just the two siblings dancing and singing, with occasional camera angles. At the end, the director yelled 'CUT!', and they began talking, going through the footage and whatnot.

'So, what did you think?' Velvet asked.

'It was pretty cool. I liked it.'

'I'm glad you enjoyed the experience. I'll show you the final product when it's done.'

'Can't wait!'

'You must be starving, right? We've been filming for hours. C'mon, let's get dinner and head to bed. Tomorrow's gonna be a long day.' Velvet raced ahead, leaving just Y/N and Veneer.

'Uh, hey Y/N!... Do you think we can maybe talk some more tonight? Get to know eachother. y'know? That is, if you want to...' He said, sounding a bit embarrassed.

'Oh, totally! I didn't do too much today so I'm not so tired. I'd love to get to know you better!'

He grins. 'That's great! Now let's go home. I'm like, totally starving.'

word count: 895 words

A/N: Sorry for the really short chapter, but I decided to keep Y/N and Veneer's late night talk for the next chapter as I want it to be it's own thing. Also I've put out 3 chapters tonight already and over 4k words, which is INSANE cause I've never written fanfiction so fast and so efficiently before. The next chapters just going to be a lot of character development, and chapter 7 will be a shopping trip with Velvet. TOODLES!

- Suzi

☆Darling☆ (Veneer x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ