3: Pretty Lucky

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'Hey, wake up.'

Y/N's eyes fluttered open, their vision blurry. They were laying on the floor, and could barely make out the person kneeling beside them.

'Hey, are you alright?' the person asked, 'You look like you just saw a ghost.'

'What's going on...?' Y/N mumbled, their eyes adjusting to the bright lights. They were still at the club, backstage.

'Are you a fan?' the person asked, a small smirk on their face.

'Oh god.' Y/N thought.

They were staring right into the face of Velvet. The Velvet.

'I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to intrude.' Y/N stammered.

'It's alright. Y'know, you're lucky. Normally I'd call security, but I'm in a good mood after that performance. Veneer's getting you an icepack. You should thank him, actually; he convinced me to not just leave you in the hallway."

'Thank you.'

Velvet smiled. 'No problem. Are you sure you're okay? You're really pale. You're not sick, are you? Is it infectious?' She grimaces and moves away. 

Y/N shook their head. 'No, I'm fine. I think.'

Velvet looks back at Y/N. 'What's your name?'

'My name is Y/N, but... I'm not from Mount Rageous.'

'Where are you from? You look like a native.'

'I'm not from anywhere. Well, I am from somewhere, but it's not around here. I'm not a Mount Rageon.'

'So what are you, then?'

'I'm uh... well, I'm human. Or, I was, anyway. I don't know what I am anymore.'

Velvet raised her eyebrow. 'Did you hit your head hard when you fell over?'

'No. No, I didn't. Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bother you.'

'I don't mind. It's not like you're trying to kill me or anything. If anything, you're a lot less annoying than the fans who try to steal my panties.' She shuddered.

'Well, that's good to know. And thanks for the icepack.'

'No problem. So, where are you from?'

'I'm from a planet called Earth. It's very different from Mount Rageous, but we have pop stars, too. And five fingers instead of three.'

'What's it like there?' She seemed to just think she's entertaining the fantasy of a crazy person.

'A lot quieter. Less colourful.'

'Really? That sounds kind of boring.'

Veneer finally came in with an icepack, still in his stage attire.

'Ugh, Crimp is soo useless, Vel. I asked her to bring me an icepack and guess what she brought me? An ice pick- she misheard.' He throws the ice pick onto the couch idly. 'Who just has that lying around? We really oughta- oh, hey, they're awake!'

Veneer walked over, and kneeled down next to Y/N. He passes them the icepack, looking concerned. "You okay?"

'Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little lightheaded.' Y/N muttered, trying to play it cool.

'You're not sick, are you? That's the last thing we need.' Veneer asked, just like his sister did.

'No, I'm not sick. Don't worry, I'm fine.'

Veneer sighs. 'Thank God.' Though, unlike Velvet, he seemed more concerned about your wellbeing than about getting ill.

Velvet giggles. 'He's a big ol' worry-wart, this one.'

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