|❤️|Present AU

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A/N: Basically, this is like the previous story but present AU, so no extreme violence here.

'Is this.. the end of my journey..? Will Rui really be able to save me in time..?' the half blonde thought to himself, he was stuck in the school nurse's office at midnight.

Normally, he would be freaked out and could be overreacting. In general, he would be just fine. All he needed to do, sleep until the morning and the nurse will notice him and send him back home..




Except, he feels there's a murderer roaming in the halls of his school.


Luckily, he had his phone on him and quickly texted his beloved to try and get him before his demise.





Will he arrive in time?..



I was just preparing props for the next show until I got a text from my star.

Usually, I would ignore text messages when I'm working but if it's my star..



I opened my phone and checked it.

my star 🌟

I just woke up and I'm stuck at school.
Can you please come and get me..?
I'm scared..
There's these loud and slow footsteps outside roaming in the halls.
Now they're humming some kind of tone..

im coming, stay put.
which part of the school are you at?

Reading his messages, I immediately replied and got ready to go out.




I hear humming echoing in the halls.. and the door unlocking..

'The door is unlocking.'

'Is it Rui?'




"HEY, STOP! NO-" a familiar yet unfamiliar female voice called out.

The door busts down to reveal Rui and a group of girls trying to stop him.

Stop him from what, exactly?




"Tsukasa-kun! Are you okay? Let's get you out of here." -Rui asked worriedly.

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