#Chapter 16

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As soon as Tay entered the room, he could feel the atmosphere became as cold as the looked his father had gave. His father looked at him with cold eyes but instead of feeling scared, Tay was ready for the 'war'. He had so much respect for his father but after knew what he did in the past, he became disenchanted.

"Why did you start digging on my past?" That's it! No need for sweet or plain-spoken, his father directly asked him straightforward.

"Why did you do that?" Asked Tay, with so much disappointment.

"How much did you know?" His father asked again. They both keep asking questions without any intention of answering one another.

"Did Mae know about this?"

"Why it is matter?"

"Pa! Of course it's matter!" Yelled Tay. "You just kill a person!"

"What?!" His father definitely was shocked. Not because at the fact that his eldest son was yelling at him for the first time, but at what he just heard. "Were you there?" The vein in the middle of his forehead started to throb and his jaw clenched in anger. "I don't know what did you find or hear, but I never kill anyone." He emphasized.

Tay inhaled and exhaled difficulty as if he forgot how to breathe. "Fine. I will trust you. But seeing you get angry after knowing I'm digging into your past means you have something that you try to hide, isn't it?"

His father rubbed his forehead, suddenly got headache. "Fine. What did you want to know? I'll give you the answer right away."

"Did Mae know that her first husband cheat on her with..." Somehow he couldn't finish the sentences.

"With your biological mother?" His father completed it.

Tay nodded.

"No. She didn't know."

"My biological mother, you, and Mae's first husband were friends since young. You must be really mad after knew what they did behind your back."

"Who wouldn't be mad? My deceased wife cheat behind my back when she's suppose to be busy taking care of you who just turn one that time. And that man..." He snickers. "...he still have guts to be in love with another woman when his wife were pregnant. No matter how much I hated them, that doesn't mean I am the one who kill them. They died in a car accident, that's what they have to pay for being so ungrateful."

Tay looked at his father, trying to examine either he was saying the truth or not. "I thought my birth mother died while giving birth of me."

"It's better telling you that."

Tay bit his lips. "But you know that I'm just coming from the police station to get the report of my birth mom's passing, it said that the accident was a planned accident since someone sabotage their car."

"And that's why you thought it's me? Were you really there? Did you see me with your own eyes that I did something dirty to their car so they got into an accident?" His father let out a frustrated sighed. "Enough, Tay. I'm telling you here not to make your own assumption. I didn't kill anyone. Now answer my first question, why did you start digging on my past? Why did you want to know about the accident?"

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