#Chapter 29

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New felt like he was under surveillance camera. Even when he just sitting and enjoying his ice cream, he could feel a pair of eyes were secretly watching him from a far. He let out a sighed before turned his back, looking at Inn who was hiding behind the wall. "I'm not doing anything dangerous! Stop looking at me for 24/7!"

Inn came out from his hiding and walked to him. "I'm just worry about you, Newwiee."

"I am totally fine, Inn Sarin."

"I know when you are alone in your room, you will cry your eyes out. If you want to cry, you can cry in front of me. I can lend my shoulder for you. Just know that you're not alone right now."

"Inn.., I've move on from him."

"I don't believe you."

New gulped his saliva difficulty. Even himself felt sour by what he just said.

"If you really did move on, why you're still using his photo as your phone wallpaper?" Asked Inn as he snatched New's phone from the owner. "Be truth to me, you're still waiting for his call, aren't you?" He interogate.

New bit his lips. Inn really could read him easily.

"You deserve someone better than a jerk like him, Newwiee." Inn caressed New's back. "I promise you, if I ever meet this jerk one day, I will punch him in the face and make him beg for your forgiveness. And I hope you will not forgive him easily. He need to pay for the tears and the sleepless night you've been facing in these days." Inn said, grabbing the phone tightly and stared deadly at Tay's smiling face on the screen.

"Calm down, will you?" New said and took his phone from Inn before Inn could broke it off with his gripped and stared. "If this was a test, you surely will fail your police exam test. Remember, don't mix your personal matter with your work."

Inn tsk-ing. "I'm being serious, Newwiee. I will not forget this jerk's face!"

"His name is Tay Tawan."

"Tay jerk Tawan's face. I will remember your face until the day I can lend my fist on your ugly face."



Once they get out from the car, New immediately ran inside the building, followed by Tay.

"New! Slow down! Wait for me!" Tay was having a hard time to catch up with New's feet. But, the younger one keep fastening his steps.

As New was about to reach the door, Tay held his hand. "Wait!"


"He will not recognize you with this face of mine."

New finally came to realization. "I forgot. I'm just super happy to see him waking up, until I forgot about my condition right now. What should we do?"

After minutes of hesitation, they finally pushed opened the door. They decided to see Inn's condition first. If he was good, New wanted to tell him what happened.

They walked into the room. Inn was sitting on his bed, staring blankly.

"Inn..." New called, but looked like Inn was in his own world.

"I-Inn Sarin..." And that was Tay, pretended that he was New.

Inn turned his head once heard the familiar voice. Once he saw New, he smiled widely. "Newwiee!" But once Inn saw someone else standing beside his best friend, his smiled slowly dropped.

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