#Chapter 24

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‼️‼️‼️ [WARNING!] ‼️‼️‼️

Make sure you are healthy while reading this chapter. I mean, no headache at the moment. Because I'm afraid I might give you headache at the flashback's part.

I warn you, this chapter especially the flashback's part is kinda complicate and confusing...



Let's start!


Tay walked back and forth at the living room, feeling anxious. When he arrived at his condo, New was not at home. So he waited for another couple of hours, but New still didn't come back.

It would be easier to call him to ask where he was, but stupid him, he just remembered that he never asked for New's phone number ever since they met again, or even after the accident.

He glanced at the clock, every tick of a second only makes his thoughts spinned out of control.

Suddenly, a beeping sound could be heard coming from the front door. Someone's trying to get in. That person must be no other than Newwiee, since Tay only gave his password door to New and no one else.

In joy, he hurriedly ran to the front door, to greet his boyfriend-to-be, like a puppy waiting for its owner to come home. But how devastated his heart was, when he saw New coming with someone else.

"Tay..." New called once realized the confused looked on him. "I've told Bua everything."

"What?!" Tay's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Tay Tawan, right? I'm Bua. Newwiee's girlfriend. As you already know." She introduced herself with her friendly smiled plastered on her face.

Tay looked at both New and Bua back and forth. Did they decide to be together again? Wait! They never officially broke up! Of course she's still his girlfriend!

"I'm sorry that I can't take you home."

"It's ok, New. You're sick. Get some rest and don't forget to eat your medicines. Enough ice cream for today, so no more eating them, 'kay?"

New laughed and promised her.

After that, she bid her goodbye and left.

"You sick?" Tay asked worriedly.

"Just a fever. " New said and sat on the couch, followed by Tay next to him.

"Why did you told her about what happen to us?" Tay sound like he was mad at what New just did.

"You also tell your friend, Off, about us. So why can't I do the same? I have to tell her because I don't want to lose her."

New's words makes Tay's heart shattered into pieces.

Was there really no place for him in New's heart?

New stood up and excused himself to go to the room to rest, but Tay stopped him immediately by gripping his wrist. "What about me?"


"Did you really have no feelings left for me?"

New tried to free himself but Tay only tightened his gripped. "What are you talking about? There's nothing between us!" New yelled as he struggled to break free from the gripped but failed.

"Please give me a chance to prove myself?"

New let out a deep sighed, trying to control himself as he did not want to burst out his anger. "Tay, I already have a girlfriend. Both Bua and I love each other. Don't be a toxic! You asking me to leave Bua just to give you another chance?! That's so selfish of you!" New failed to control his anger anymore. He started to raise his voice instead and looked so angry at his ex boyfriend.

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