The mystery of Lilly Potter

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"Severus," Babbling said standing in front of Snape as he walking into the entryway of Hogwarts. "Welcome back; walk with me."

"I am extremely busy at the moment, Babbling. It will have to wait," he said in reply eyes narrowing. Why was she accosting him immediately upon his return? He hadn't immediately attended to Voldemort until after the Potter brat returned. The boy surely couldn't have told her about him returning to the Dark Lord…could he? Would Riddle have said anything? He certainly wouldn't have put it past the bastard. Scowling, Snape decided it didn't matter. Dumbledore would protect his precious spy.

Spy. Sure. More like potion slave. Snape never received any credit for the mass amount of work he did keeping the castle stockpiled on salves and potions. With the amount of injuries Potter received on a yearly basis Snape was certain at least half the budget the staff always complained about was channeled directly down the brat's throat.

Babbling's scowl matched his own as she stepped forward nose to nose. "I really must insist, Severus."

"I have just returned from a strenuous outing and I need to update the Headmaster immediately. Out of my way." Which was entirely truthful. That he was going to make a short stop to his private supply and grab a few painkillers and something that should help with post-Cruciatus recovery wasn't something she needed to know.

"The Headmaster won't be receiving any reports from you, Snape." She couldn't hide the small predatory grin that flashed across her features. It set Snape's alarms ringing.

"You should know that should I disappear…steps will be taken," he said slowly fingering his wand.

Babbling had the gall to laugh in his face. "I'm not threatening you, Snape. Not yet at least. That's why you need to follow me. That way we can see if you need to be threatened. No, I'm merely commenting that our dear, esteemed Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore has left the premises. Hopefully for good. Hogwarts is under new management. Now," her good cheer fell away and she glared at him with wand in hand. "Teachers' Conference Room. Now."

Dumbledore gone? What?! Numbly he set off towards the Conference Room. If Albus was gone then who was he supposed to report to? Who was to ensure that he received appropriate updates and sacrificial operations to deliver to Voldemort? How was he supposed to toe the line between the two sides without the primary leader in play? How he supposed to survive without Dumbledore?!

The door slammed shut behind Snape jostling him back out of his thoughts and he looked up at the table in the center of the room. The only hint of surprise he let show was widening eyes as he looked down upon Amelia Bones, Filius and Minerva. "What is this?"

"An inquiry," Minerva said with a slight rise in her eyebrows and a tinge of Scottish brogue leaking into her voice. Babbling took her seat next to Minerva causing Snape to begin to sweat as he sat down in the lone chair across from the other four.

"Please lift up your left sleeve, Severus Snape," Amelia Bones said calmly. She might have been discussing the weather for all she seemed to care.

Snape did what he always did when confronted. He attacked. "I believe that it is against the law asking a private citizen to reveal anything he does not wish to without proper authorization. I will assuredly be lodging a formal complaint with the Minister's office as to your lack of proper procedure, Director Bones."

"Well, according to Statute 12, the Department Head can conduct a pre-investigation if there is reasonable suspicion that underage personnel are in danger. Considering the recently resurrected Voldemort himself called you by name near Mr. Potter, that already grants me the right," Bones replied still completely calm. Snape clutched his wand under the table tighter. Of course Potter had blabbed! "In addition, you disappeared shortly after the return of Mr. Potter – also suspicious. To further muddy the situation you, Severus Snape, have been consistently protected by a man who just recently admitted to attempting to murder Harry James Potter for over a year!" Snape's eyes widened and his sneer was replaced with open-mouthed shock. What the bloody hell had happened in the day he'd been gone?

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