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"So they just ignored you when you tried to call out to them. I bet Shiva told them to do that." replied Payal,

"It doesn't matter any way. Maybe today I'll get a chance." said Vidya,

"And that man at the signup table laughed at you. I'll give him a piece of my mind how dare he treat my sister like that." replied Payal,

"It's okay Payal he just wanted to get a reaction out of me." said Vidya,

"Still, he had no right. From what you told me, tryouts for the team were a circus yesterday." replied Payal,

"Yeah, all the men were terrible bowlers, batters, and fielders." said Vidya,

"And they didn't give you a chance. I'll give that captain a piece of my mind." replied Payal,

"Payal, calm down." said Vidya,

"I know you'll put those men in their place." replied Payal,

Vidya headed back to the field, and the man at the signup table was still laughing at her.

"Come back for more humiliation." said the man,

"I have come back to try out." replied Vidya,

"Just give up, you have no chance." said the man,

"I will never give up." replied Vidya,

Some of the men were terrible at batting and could even hit the cricket ball. They all kept getting bowled out.

Their bowling was equally too terrible, and some did not hit the wickets, then some almost hit the coaches when bowling the ball.

Shiva facepalmed at their attempts, and Manjot could tell that Shiva was not enjoying any of this.

"At least people came out right." said Manjot,

"You are right." replied Shiva,

A ball flew past them and hit the window of the commentars box.

"Thank goodness there is no one in the commentars box." said Manjot,

"Yep." replied Shiva,

"I feel there is no improvement they keep getting worse and worse." said Manjot,

"Yeah, it's been a real struggle to find our eleventh player." replied Shiva,

"I hope they will hear me and let me try out this time." said Vidya,

Some of the men got bowled out by the catch of the fielders and by the bowler hitting the wickets.

"They are still pretty bad. What should we do." replied Gaurav,

"I don't even know, and the tryouts have gone terribly." said Shiva,

"Can I suggest testing their individual batting and bowling skills." replied Manjot,

"I like that idea." said Rodrigo,

"Me too." replied Pierre,

Some of the men all got bowled out by Gaurav. Some of them couldn't even hit the ball, and others accidentally knocked over the wickets.

"This is a disaster." said Shiva, (facepalming)

"Let's see how their bowling is." replied Zafar,

"Yeah." said Manjot,

The bowling was even worse as some of them threw the ball too high, and some threw the ball into the window of the commentars box. Some of them couldn't even hit the wickets.

"This is horrible." replied Shiva,

"We really need to find our eleventh player." said Stefan,

"Yep." replied Manjot,

"Should we call it a day again." said Xavier,

"Wait a minute, let me try out." replied Vidya,

"Maybe we should call it a day. I don't know." said Jason,

"What do you think, Shiva?." replied Tarun,

"I don't know. I don't think I can handle another day of terrible performances from all the men who came to the tryouts." said Shiva,

"Please give me a chance." replied Vidya,

"I have to agree with you Shiva the performances from all the men who came to the tryouts are terrible." said Jason,

"What makes you think that they will give you a chance you are nothing special." replied the man,

"I'll show all of you men what a woman is capable of." said Vidya,

She walked up to the cricket pitch with her bat in her hand.

"Who is that." replied Manjot,

"No idea, but she's definitely in the wrong place." said Shiva,

She took her batting stance, and Gaurav gasped as he recognized the batting stance.

"Wait, that can't be that batting stance is  Hamid Rao." replied Gaurav,

"Hold a second, don't bowl." said Shiva,

"Why." replied Zafar,

"You'll see in a second excuse me." said Shiva,

Vidya took off the helmet and was holding her bat.

"Yes." replied Vidya,

"I think you are in the wrong place." said Shiva,

"I am in the right place, thank you." replied Vidya,

"You are a woman." said Shiva,

"And you are a man." replied Vidya,

"There's no place for a woman here, so why don't you go home or have you come to check me out." said Shiva,

"Don't flatter yourself, and I'm not leaving." replied Vidya,

"A woman is meant to cook, clean, and take care of the children." said Shiva,

"A woman can do anything a man can do." replied Vidya,

"Well, I'm not letting you try out." said Shiva,

"You don't have a choice. I have seen all of my competitors it looks like they are not a threat to me because of their performance issues." replied Vidya,

"You are wasting your time." said Shiva,

"We will see." replied Vidya,

"Sorry, just before you give it a go, I noticed your batting stance, and it reminds me of Hamid Rao. Are you related to him or something." said Gaurav,

"Gaurav quit fan boying." replied Shiva,

"He's my father." said Vidya,

"What the legendary cricket player Hamid Rao is your father." replied Gaurav,

"Manjot, get Gaurav out of here." said Shiva,

"I'd be honored to-." replied Gaurav,

"Gaurav." said Shiva,

Gaurav noticed Shiva's glare and quickly walked away. Vidya rolled her eyes at Shiva and thought he most certainly has an attitude.

"So captain, are you going to give me a chance or not." replied Vidya,

"Don't push your luck, and I'll give you a chance, but it's only to make Gaurav stop grinning like an idiot." said Shiva,

"She definitely must be as good as Hamid Rao." replied Gaurav,

"Gaurav, please control yourself." said Jason,

Zafar bowled the ball, and she hit the ball quite high up. The ball was high enough to be a six, which Shiva rolled his eyes and thought it was beginner's luck.

The Cricket Chronicles (Completed) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu