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"Cheers to winning our first match." said Pierre,

"Cheers." replied everyone else,

"Thank you for your support on the field, Shiva." said Vidya,

"No need to thank me." replied Shiva,

"Aw Shiva and Vidya sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G." said Manjot,

Shiva dumped his drink on Manjot's head.

"Seriously, Manjot, really." replied Shiva,

"Come on, I know you like her. Everyone saw you how you bowed in respect for her." said Manjot,

"She made me a better person." replied Shiva,

"It's obvious that you like her." said Manjot,

"Manjot, you are such a goofball." replied Shiva,

"You even said in front of all of us that you love her." said Manjot,

"Manjot." replied Shiva,

"I need some air excuse me." said Vidya,

"Hey Vidya, it slipped out okay." replied Shiva,

"I know, and I'm happy that we are teammates." said Vidya,

Shiva's team won a few more matches of the tournament. They did lose a few matches, which Shiva took a bit hard.

They were down to the last two matches of the tournament.

"We may make it to the finals after this match." replied Shiva,

"Oh Shiva, I forgot to tell you I met Nasser Hussain at the opening ball." said Vidya,

"Wow what really he's one of my favorite players." replied Shiva,

"Mine too." said Vidya,

They both blushed as they realized that they both had the same admiration for the same player.

"Ahem, let's focus on the tournament." replied Shiva,

"Yeah, agreed." said Vidya,

They won the semi-finals match of the tournament and were well on their way to the finals.

Before the finals, the organizers decided to host another ball.

"Looks like Shiva has gotten the attention again." replied Manjot,

"Yep." said Jason,

"The women can't seem to get away from him." replied Pierre,

Vidya was sipping on her drink until someone threw a newspaper at her. She saw Shiva on the front cover with a headline that read Shiva and his playboy reputation, and does he love Vidya.

"What nonsense." said Vidya,

She decided to read the article and angrily threw the newspaper down.

"Vidya about the article and the headline I-." replied Shiva,

"Explain yourself, Shiva." said Vidya,

"Look, I had to do an interview yesterday after we won the semi-finals." replied Shiva,

"Oh." said Vidya,

"They decided to twist my words even though I told them not to several times, and I would never hurt you." replied Shiva,

"I understand. I'm sorry I overreacted." said Vidya,

"It's okay." replied Shiva,

"Hopefully, we can all relax after the finals." said Vidya,

"Yeah, and me loving you is crazy." replied Shiva,

"Yeah, it's super crazy." said Vidya,

They both laughed at the fact of being in love with each other.

"Yeah, we are definitely not in love." replied Shiva,

"Yeah, we are just teammates after all." said Vidya,

"Agreed." replied Shiva,

"Friends can dance together, right?." said Vidya,

"Yep." replied Shiva,

Vidya and Shiva were slow dancing together. They realized how close they were to each other and stopped dancing.

"I should go now." said Vidya,

"Yeah, me too." replied Shiva,

"Bye." said Vidya,

"Bye." replied Shiva,

They quickly ran off awkwardly, and their teammates exchanged looks.

"That was odd." said Manjot,

"They are falling in love." replied Jason,

"It's terrible timing as we are getting close to the finals." said Pierre,

"I'm sure they know, but when the time is right, they will sort out their feelings." replied Zafar,

"We knew that they were falling in love." said Tarun,

"Let's just focus on the finals. We can worry about the romance later." replied Xavier,

"Can you imagine if they fell in love during the finals." said Gaurav,

"Are you kidding? That would mess everything up." replied Manjot,

"But on the other hand, it could be a good thing." said Rodrigo,

"The media would have a frenzy with that." replied Jason,

It was the day of the finals, and the men were changing into their cricket uniforms.

"Shiva, are you in love with Vidya." said Manjot,

"Way to be subtle Manjot." replied Jason,

"What, no Manjot. I'm not in love with Vidya." said Shiva,

"Shiva, don't deny it." replied Manjot,

"Manjot, let's just focus on the finals." said Shiva,

"Hey guys." replied Vidya,

"Hey." said the guys,

"I'm so excited." replied Jason,

"Me too." said Rodrigo,

"I can't believe we made it to the finals." replied Zafar,

"Yep, now let's make Amin proud of us." said Shiva,

"Here we are, Alan. We have made it to the finals." replied Nasser,

"This has been an incredible journey for Shiva and his team." said Alan,

"And the thing is that they are facing the team that they had faced in the first match of this tournament." replied Nasser,

"Yes, let's see if they come out on top." said Alan,

"Indeed, Alan, they have shown us their exceptional performance in these matches. Let's see if they can keep that momentum going." replied Nasser,

Unfortunately, Shiva and his team had no idea what they were in for. Manjot had his teeth broken by the cricket ball while he was batting.

The other team laughed, and Vidya fumed, and then Shiva held her back.

"Calm down." said Shiva,

"Oh dear, that was very unsportsmanlike." replied Alan,

"Yes, I hope Manjot recovers from a throw like that." said Nasser,

Jason got his leg hit by the ball, and the other team laughed again.

"It seems like the other team is making sure that Shiva's team doesn't win the match at all." replied Alan,

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