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Vidya was continuously hitting sixes while Shiva downplayed her sixes.

"I think you like her." replied Manjot,

"No, I can't stand her." said Shiva,

"Well, I think she'll do great." replied Manjot,

"I don't like her." said Shiva,

"Whatever you say. Shiva and Vidya sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G." replied Manjot,

"Ugh, what a silly assumption." said Shiva,

"I think you like her." replied Manjot,

"Just focus, Manjot." said Shiva,

"Wow, she's so good." replied Gaurav,

Shiva hated how much Gaurav praised her.

"Okay, that's enough batting from you. Let's see how you do at bowling." said Shiva,

He threw the cricket ball so hard that she couldn't catch it.

"Of course, captain." replied Vidya,

"Good that you know who's in charge." said Shiva,

Manjot was waiting for Vidya to bowl when Shiva went up to Manjot.

"What." replied Manjot,

"I'll bat you can watch." said Shiva,

"I think you just want to mess with her game, and it's a sure sign that you like her." replied Manjot,

"I can't stand her." said Shiva,

"Okay, but I still think that we should be fair with her." replied Manjot,

"You guys can be fair with her all you want, but I'm the captain. I treat everyone equally." said Shiva,

"Well, you haven't treated her as an equal." replied Manjot,

"She doesn't deserve to be here, and I will prove it to all of you." said Shiva,

Shiva took his batting stance, and Vidya thought, "Oh great, the captain himself is batting, but I won't let that phase me.

She threw the ball and bowled out Shiva, which made his teammates laugh.

"Well, I guess I made the team." replied Vidya,

"Not so fast, you just got lucky, but soon your luck will run out." said Shiva,

"Come on, Shiva, just let her join the team. You are being really unfair." replied Jason,

"I'm the captain, and what I say goes." said Shiva,

Vidya threw the ball again, and Shiva hit the ball, which hit Vidya's hand.

"Are you okay." replied Manjot,

"Yeah, I think so, and is he always this thick headed." said Vidya,

"No, not really, and he has a heart of gold, but I think he really wants to put you in your place." replied Manjot,

"Well, I'm not going to make it easy for him." said Vidya,

"That's awesome she bowled out our own captain. Wow, she's so good." replied Gaurav,

Vidya threw the ball, and Shiva hit it several times.

"What's the matter? Vidya can't handle the heat of the captain." said Shiva,

Vidya threw another ball and bowled Shiva out several times.

"Come on, Shiva, that's enough." replied Manjot,

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