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"Do you think she'll come." replied Gaurav,

"I don't know." said Tarun,

"She loves the game." replied Kamal,

"She probably won't come because I'm here." said Shiva,

"Just apologize to her when she comes, then you two will be fine." replied Manjot,

She looked at her father's photos of him bowling and batting. She took a deep breath and donned her cricket uniform.

She put her cricket helmet on and walked out onto the field.

"Here she comes." said Rodrigo,

"I just knew she would come." replied Gaurav,

"No, you didn't. You were just as worried as the rest of us, Gaurav." said Zafar,

Vidya took her batting stance, and Gaurav smiled, remembering it was Hamid Rao's batting stance.

"The legend lives on inside Hamid Rao's daughter." replied Gaurav,

"Ready Zafar." said Shiva,

"You bet." replied Zafar,

Shiva sat down on the bench he decided to sit out for this friendly game as he knew things were still tense between him and Vidya.

Zafar bowled the ball, and Vidya hit it several times, scoring so many sixes.

"Wow, amazing." said Manjot,

"Just like Hamid Rao." replied Gaurav,

"Yes, Gaurav, we get it. You are a big fan of Hamid Rao." said Pierre,

Vidya bowled out all most of the players on her team.

"Hey Shiva, it's your turn to bat." replied Manjot,

"Yeah, she bowled us all out." said Xavier,

"I'm not batting." replied Shiva,

"Come on, Shiva, none of us have been able to beat her." said Jason,

"You are our captain Shiva." replied Manjot,

"You can break her streak." said Zafar,

"What's the point." replied Shiva,

"Shiva, what kind of attitude is that." said Pierre,

"Vidya is a better captain than me." replied Shiva,

"Wait, what did he say." said Rodrigo,

"I'm handing over my captaincy to Vidya and leaving this team." replied Shiva,

"Shiva, reconsider, remember we couldn't have gotten to the finals with you and your leadership." replied Tarun,

"Shiva... Shiva, wait, come back Shiva oh he's gone." said Manjot,

"I'm happy that we got Vidya back, but unfortunately, we lost Shiva now." replied Gaurav,

"We need Shiva. We can't do this without him." said Stefan,

"Do you think he's still sore about Amin's passing." replied Rodrigo,

"We have all forgiven ourselves for it, and we kept Amin in our hearts, but I don't think Shiva has gotten over it." said Zafar,

"I can talk to Shiva." replied Vidya,

"Yeah, but we don't want any tension in the team." said Manjot,

Vidya visited her brothers grave and put flowers on it, then saw Shiva sitting on a bench.

"The team really needs him. Let's see if I can convince him to become captain again." replied Vidya,

Vidya sat beside him, and he wasn't even looking at her.

"Have you come here to gloat." said Shiva,

"No, I had not. I have come to ask you to become captain again and come back to the team." replied Vidya,

"What's the point." said Shiva,

"And what's the point of you holding a grudge, and it's pointless to convince you." replied Vidya,

Vidya got up off the bench, and he grabbed her hand.

"Wait a second, Vidya." said Shiva,

"What do you want, Shiva?" replied Vidya,

"Umm, don't tell Manjot about me grabbing your hand he'll tease me about it." said Shiva,

"Is that all you have to say." replied Vidya,

"No, I-." said Shiva,

"Shiva, you are so immature and-." replied Vidya,

"And what-." said Shiva,

"Nothing." replied Vidya,

"Okay." said Shiva,

Vidya walked away from Shiva, and he looked at Amin's grave. Afterward, he left and sighed heavily.

"This is horrible." replied Manjot,

"I know without ether one of them, we are not really a team." said Jason,

"Well, things are tense between them." replied Rodrigo,

"We need to fix it between them. We have to practice because the big tournament is in a few months, so we need to have unity in the team." said Tarun,

"We need to make them patch things up." replied Zafar,

"Yeah, but how." said Gaurav,

"We could get them in a room together so that they can patch things up." replied Stefan,

"That's a great idea." said Xavier,

"We really need our captain Shiva and Vidya." replied Pierre,

"Let's hope this works." said Manjot,

Vidya came over to the room where Manjot wanted to meet her in and found Shiva there instead.

"Oh goodness, not you again." replied Vidya,

"I see that you are here too." said Shiva,

"Look, I just want to talk to you." replied Vidya,

"Me too." said Shiva,

"You go first." replied Vidya,

"Ladies first." said Shiva,

"You want me to go first." replied Vidya,

"Yes, I do." said Shiva,

"Look, Shiva, you have been going through a tough time since Amin's passing and losing the finals, but Amin was my brother before he was your player. It, however, doesn't excuse the fact that you have belittled me since I wanted to try out for the team and in childhood." replied Vidya,

"Vidya, I had no idea that Amin was your brother. I have always been jealous of you since childhood. I know that jealousy became more and more prominent as we were growing up. Manjot was right. I couldn't stand that you were better than me. My comments to you were mean and hurtful. I'm sorry, Vidya, and I love you, Vidya." said Shiva,

"It's okay, Shiva, and I'm glad you finally saw the light." replied Vidya,

The Cricket Chronicles (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now