CRDL-05: VS Roselia & Bayleaf, Tundra

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At the southern tip of Lake Beartic was a humongous mass of chewed wood poking out of the water like an iceberg. The Lake itself was supplied annually by meltwater from the surrounding mountains, and this Boribizu Den blocked the Lake's water from pouring into the nearby Route 3 and beyond.

With his own Poryphone, Reed snapped a quick shot of the den as he and Wendy ran past it. Dens like this one were found in every lake and shallow body of water in the Norcloh region, but they were hard to approach as the local Boribizu were known to electrocute trespassers.

 Dens like this one were found in every lake and shallow body of water in the Norcloh region, but they were hard to approach as the local Boribizu were known to electrocute trespassers

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Soon the trail left the Lake behind, narrowing as the snowy forest on their right edged closer to the tall rocky wall on their left.

Reed and Wendy were following the gym leader down this narrow trail. "Are you sure you know where you're going?" Wendy asked, breathing heavily.

"Aye, sure I am." Jacque almost slipped on the hardened snow but caught himself. "Ye said those grunts were looking for the Powerplant, right?"

"Yeah, but..." Reed caught his cousin when she started slipping. The medicine had left Wendy unsteady on her feet. "But what's the rush? What's going on?"

"Not sure yet, but another gym leader had to go investigate the Powerplant because of a blackout in Chevalite City. Pro'bly just another Pterasect infestation."

Wendy didn't have the strength to shout, so she silently cursed out the gym leader instead.

"But back in Navercove," Jacque continued, "I spotted that pair of land lubbers and overheard them mention Team Tundra, so I followed them all the way here. We passed through Chevalite, where I heard about the blackout situation."

"What's a Team Tundra anyway?" Reed asked.

"No clue. All I know is that the Champion himself is worried about them and he's got all us gym leaders and Elite Four on high alert." Jacque stopped in his tracks with a puzzled expression. "I just thought of something."

The cousins almost slipped again as they abruptly stopped to avoid slamming into him. "What?" they demanded irritably.

"If those grunts were supposed to go to the Powerplant, why'd they go along Route 3 to Lake Beartic, when they should've taken Route 4?"

Wendy sighed. "I think they simply got lost. They fell in the water before they approached us."

"Oh, no. That was me. I panicked when they'd almost spotted me, so I shoved them and scrammed."

The cousins stared at the gym leader with incredulous looks. "And you didn't think to just interrogate them right then and there?" Reed demanded.

Jacque shrugged. "They hadn't done anything wrong."

"They just tried to kill us!" Wendy shouted, only to cough from the effort.

"I mean before that!"

A distant rumbling made all three heads turn to the east.

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