CRDL-10: VS Stoball

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"Well, here we are," Rori announced

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"Well, here we are," Rori announced.

"Whoa!" the cousins said in unison as they gazed up the long and treacherous slope known as Route 9

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"Whoa!" the cousins said in unison as they gazed up the long and treacherous slope known as Route 9. The distant plateau was beyond their view from the bottom, but peaking just over the top was the summit of Mount Norcloh itself, even more imposing this close as it was so far away from Vikinu Town.

"Are both of those the Battle Lift?" Wendy asked, pointing at the two elongated loops of cable ascending the length of the slope, each with chairlifts that seemed to move at different speeds. The left cable loop stopped periodically while the right just kept going at a steady speed.

"Nope, just that one," Rori explained, pointing to the left one. "The other one is just a normal ski lift for those wanting to travel safely."

"Kinda wish we were taking that one," Reed muttered miserably, watching a family of three as they got on the normal lift for a nice, relaxing ride up the slope.

Wendy nudged her cousin. "Bro, we gotta take this seriously. We need our Pokémon to get stronger so that we can protect ourselves."

"Right on, Wendy!" Rori agreed. "Actually, I've been wondering about something. You guys are cousins, but you keep calling each other 'bro' and 'sis'. Why's that?"

The cousins shrugged. "We grew up together, so it just comes naturally. Been that way ever since Reed's dad dropped him off as a baby with my mom," Wendy explained.

"Oh. Um...sorry if that was intrusive," Rori said awkwardly.

"No, it's fine. We just don't talk about it much because Reed gets angsty..." Wendy slowed down expectantly. "...whenever someone...brings up his..."

And right on cue, her cousin straightened up and proclaimed, "We're gonna conquer the Battle Lift!" before marching forward.

Wendy shook her head. "He gets fired up sometimes, but you can't always count on that."

At the entrance to the Battle Lift, the three trainers found themselves waiting in line as a bunch of people in suits crowded into the ticket booth. The receptionist backed away from the counter as dozens of hands stuck through the little window, shivering like she was being mobbed.

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