The Duelling Club Disaster

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Brewing the Polyjuice was coming along smoothly, thanks to Hermione's critical eye. Unfortunately, the potion was only half-finished. They still needed a couple of ingredients, available only in Snape's private stores. Harry had a feeling those would be difficult to snatch.

Hermione had suggested a distraction in a brisk manner as if there was no possibility of them getting caught and ending in expulsion, especially if Snape was the one in charge of their punishment. Surprisingly, they had succeeded. Although Snape had definitely known it was them, he didn't have any way to prove it.

Still, they had successfully secured the final ingredients for the Polyjuice Potion and they could finally get a move on interrogating Malfoy.


A week later, Harry, Ron and Hermione were walking across the Entrance Hall when they noticed the small gaggle of students around the noticeboard, very excitedly discussing the contents of a piece of parchment that had just been pinned up. Seamus and Dean beckoned them over, practically vibrating with anticipation. Harry eyed them warily.

"They're starting a Duelling Club!" said Seamus. "First meeting tonight! I wouldn't mind duelling lessons myself, they might come in handy..."

"What, you think the monster can duel?" snarked Ron, eying the sign with interest nonetheless.

"That's interesting, should we go? It could be useful." Hermione mused aloud. "I wonder who'll teach us? Flitwick used to be a Duelling Champion when he was younger, I read. It might be him."

Shrugging, Harry said, "As long as it's not Lockhart or Snape, I'll be glad."


"Well, Harry, I guess you're not glad," Ron says with enough amusement and trepidation as the trio stands in front of an elaborate stage. Both Snape and Lockhart are standing on it, looking comically different: one with a wide grin and the other with a surly glare oh his face.

Harry groaned as he moved towards the stage, giving a once-over to all those present in the classroom. He brightened as he noticed familiar golden hair on the other side of the stage.

Lockhart gathered everyone near him with a wave of his arm. "Come around! Can everyone hear me? Can everyone see me? Brilliant!"

"Now, Professor Dumbledore has very kindly allowed me to start this Duelling Club with the purpose of training you all to defend yourselves should the need ever arise, just as myself - for further details, see my published works."

"And now I introduce my assistant, Professor Snape," said Lockhart, with a great flourish, the glare on Snape's face darkening ominously. "He tells me he knows a bit of duelling himself and has sportingly agreed to help me in my demonstration today. Now, never fear, you'll still have your beloved Potions master when I'm through with him!"

"Wouldn't it be so good if they both ended up killing each other?" Ron whispered to Harry, clearly enthused by the prospect.

Harry watched the expression on Snape's face nervously, as he seemed to get a murderous glint in his eyes.

They faced each other and bowed; at least Lockhart did, with great hand movements while Snape just jerked his head harshly. They raised their wands as if they were swords.

"This is the traditional beginning position. Now, this is a friendly duel, we'll only be aiming to disarm one another and there will be no offensive spells involved. Please watch and learn!"

For a Defense teacher, he doesn't have much spatial awareness, does he? Harry cringed. The look on Snape's face was creeping out even the Slytherins, from the looks of it.

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