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Leticia was running some drills, getting her practice in. She was trying to not only get back in shape but rejoin the track team at school. It was pretty late when she finally made it home. Her parents weren't home when she got back, but they had left a note about some launch party for her mother's recently developed app.

Leti walked into the kitchen to see what food they left for her and placed it in the oven. She turned on the television while she waited for her food. The sounds coming from the TV filled the house. She glanced up now and then, but was mostly focused on her phone; she leaned against the counter scrolling through TikTok. A sudden thud at the door caught her attention.

She pushed herself off the counter and checked the peephole. When she didn't see anyone she began to turn when she heard it again. This time she opted for opening the door, a confused expression along her features when she saw no one there. Looking down the empty halls before looking down. 

Looking down there was a huge envelope with her name on it

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Looking down there was a huge envelope with her name on it. She picked it up, looking around once more before heading back inside, and closing the door behind her. Leti sat on the couch and poured out the contents of the envelope onto the coffee table. Her eyes widened as she scanned it all. Photos of her and Noah, photos of her and anyone she had come in contact with on her trips to Oakdale. "What the fuck?" she spoke out.

Moving things around she found a lost bracelet, a ticket, and a tablet. Picking up the tablet; Leticia turned it on. On the screen before her were her parents, another showed Noah. Leticia felt chills down her spine, her hand covering her mouth in horror. However, what freaked her out most was the video live video footage of her in this very moment. She dropped the tablet, grabbed her bat, and looked around the house. She suddenly received a text from an unknown number. "RUN." was all it said. Leti wasted no time bolting out of the door.

She ran out of the door and towards the exit door; she turned for a moment to see the stalky figure that came from her home

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She ran out of the door and towards the exit door; she turned for a moment to see the stalky figure that came from her home. They weren't exactly running, but she didn't care. She knew how this worked and if she didn't think and act fast she would likely die. There was no one here to run to. Her parents were busy and it was so late, that the neighbors were likely asleep. Leti didn't want to bring this horror to them anyway. 

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