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Today was the start of the exchange program. Effy and a few others would be attending school with Marni one of the cromwell witches. Once arriving at their home everyone was briefed on how things would go and sent up to their new rooms during the stay. Apparently they used their magic to modify the house a bit to accommodate them. Effy went up to the room, inspecting it. A nod as she approved of the decor. "This is perfect," she said; placing her bag against the wall and flopping onto the bed. A black and purple comforter lined the bed along with black sheets and pillows.

The first day at a new school has come; walking the halls as the followed Marni. Learning where their classes were. Once the tour was over, they entered a sectet hideout behind the lockers. A room just for them. "Now this is what I'm talking about." Effy woukd surely come here when she needed a break from everything going on. 

Weekend in the new school went on; strange thibgs were happening and Cassie was missing. Since she had a free period the raven-haired girl made her way to the hideout. After what happened, it probably wasn't a good idea to be here alone, but she had no other place that was as peaceful for her. Effy checked every inch of the place before plopping onto the couch. Her eyes grew heavy, her head bobbed as she dosed. Only moments later had a stachel been wrapped around her head and she was gone.

Waking up she found herself locked in a container. Banging against the walls. "Let me out!" She yelled as she continued to bang against it. "Help!" She yelled. Effy used all her strength but it wouldn't budge. "Oh don't bother trying this baby was designed specifically for your kind. Don't worry we only need to keep you long enough to end this popsterous program." He spoke walking away with a mencing laugh.

"You gotta be kidding me," be as stubborn a she was. Effy still tried, hoping she could find a weak point; but nothing. "This is just great. I hope they notice I'm gone." She said sliding down against the wall of the container. Sure enough they noticed and just like with Cassie they were working on how to find her. Some days passed and she thought she wouldn't ever be freed. Suddenly flashing light and a loud wosh noise caught her attention. Effy stood up, "Hello, is anybody there?" She called out.

"Effy! Where are you?" She heard Marni call out. "I'm in here, but I can't break out." She called. "Don't worry dear we'll get you out." She heard as Aggie spoke. Effy sighed in relief. "Thank goodness, quickly before he returns; we gotta get out of here. Ef heard chanting figuring the cromwells were working their magic. "Effy, try now." She took a breath and used all her strength and punched at the door leaving dents in it. "I want out!" She yelled before kicking the door down.

"Man am I glad to see you guys." She said before a portal opened. "No!" She hesdd before the three of them ran through their own portal leaving that place behind.

The next night was the carnival, she and the others were helping with the haunted house. They hadnt located Cassie yet. Everything was fine until strange things began to happen again. The haunted house went haywire and the carnival was being attacked. Somehow the cromwell magic was only making it worse. The people began hating the witches chasing after them when he arrived. Effy clenched her palms at the site of him. He began rambling his little plan; but the cromwells had a plan of their own. Cassie and Marni's mom came from the portal as everyone gaurded the witches revealing their true selves to the humans.

Once the counsel got evolved the tables had turned, the witches regained their powers and put an end to his menacing deeds.

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