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Leticia had never gone to a summer camp before. Her family did sometimes go camping so she figured that some of what she learned would be helpful while she was there. It had been a little while since she saw family, so it was nice she could convince some of her cousins to join her. "How much longer til we get there?" Vincent asked. "Not too much longer." Uncle Jesus responded, not taking his eyes off the road.

He offered to drop them off and house sit for her. "See ya at the end of summer kids. Don't worry Leti Emma and I will watch over the house." He stated from the car before driving off. My cousins and I turned and made our way to check in. "Adams-Foster," I spoke up. The quite attractive camp counselor flipped through a notebook and checked us off. "You girls with be in cabin 6 and for the guys cabin 12." He explained.

After we were given our cabins and camp necessities. Leti along with Melina and Diana walked towards their cabin using the map of the camp. "Well here we are," she said before opening the door to their cabin. It was quite spacious, three beds all color-coded. Placing their things on their chosen beds the cousins talked. "Not bad," Mel said. "Yeah, wasn't expecting this place to be so modern," Diana added. "I know right, its cool, also did yoy see the cute camp counselor earlier?" Leti asked.

They all laughed. "Thought I was the only one who noticed that," Mel stated. "Nope, he was definitely hot." D spoke up. "I will definitely enjoy seeing him all summer Leti smiled. "Alright, so we're at summer camp now, its probably a bit different from our usual camping trips but this should be fun." Diana stated. "Right, let's make the most of it." Mel chimed in. "I completely agree that make this a memorable summer." Leti added.

For the next few weeks the Adams-Foster clan participated in all kinds of events and activities, from canoeing, to making bird feeders and more.

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