chapter 13: whatever you desire

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it was the start of a new day, the pair asleep tangled up in each others arms asleep soundly, an alarm soon blazing through the room, a set of groans erupted as the sire got up and turned the alarm of sitting up, the dame snuggling into his side. a smile stretching across his face. he gently such the dame as she huffed.

"I don't want to get up though." the dame said hugging the sires side tighter than before.

"come on, we got to go out today." the sire said getting up. the dame whining. "come on princess or ill tickle you."

"fine I'm up." the dame said sitting up a pout on her face as she stared at the sire.

the sire walked into his closet throwing clothes too Eos letting her change as he did as well. they soon made their way to the kitchen making food.

"so what's the plan today." Eos asked moving closer to Wyatt.

"we are going out, you will see." the sire said patting her head.

the dame sat confused wondering what could they possibly be doing. she watched as the sire got up putting on a jacket, grabbing his wallet, phone and keys. the sire signalled the dame to follow him as he made his way to his car getting in the drivers seat. Eos following jumping in the passenger seat.

"you really are a princess." Wyatt started. "a passenger princess." he added with a smirk.

the dame blushed a little looking down at her hands as the sire started the car driving off to the mall. he parked the car getting out making his way inside Eos following right behind bouncing with each step.

"why are we at the mall?" Eos asked her head tilting to the side.

"for a reason." the sire said with a small smile.

they walked into the mall wavering through all the mass of people.

"go where ever you want, get whatever you desire, its all on me." Wyatt said with a smile.

"are you serious?" Eos says bouncing up and down.

"I'm serious." the sire said holding the side of her face, she soon grabbed his hand dragging him everywhere. she would be wary on how much she was buying but the sire insisted, when he noticed she liked something he would instantly put it into the basket, buying whatever she wanted. as they was walking around the mall the air became colder, the sire noticed Eos shiver a little bit and took it into his own hands. he placed the bags onto the floor slipping of his jacket wrapping it around her shoulders then picking the bags back up, continuing to walk.

after a good few hours of shopping for whatever Eos wanted she grew tired, holding onto Wyatts arm as they made their way outside. the sire placed all the bags in the boot. he then made his way to the drivers side getting in. he noticed the dame bobbing her head. a soft smile played on his lips as he rested his hand on her thigh gently caressing the soft skin under his finger tips. the dame raised her head a faint blush painting her face as she moved to rest her head on the sires shoulder.

they soon arrived home, Wyatt asking his brother arrow to help place the shopping bags inside as he made his way around the car gently lifting the sleeping dame careful not to wake her. the sire made his way upstairs gently setting the dame into bed. before he could get up to leave the dame grabbed his arm yanking the sire down as she cuddled into his side falling back into a deep sleep with a smile across her sleeping face.

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