chapter 43: done with the mafia

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+ ' Eos pov ' +

We had finally made it back home. I got out of the car and skipped to the house along Wyatt's side. We made our way into the house plopping down onto the couch to finish the documentary we had originally started. I leaned into Wyatt as we watching the show, falling asleep to the subtle sounds of the tv.

+ ' Narrator ' +

After the documentary finished Wyatt picked up Eos, whom snuggled into his arms. He walked past a few members that were loitering around tossing them a slight glare before he made his way to their room. He quietly opened the door being sure not to wake the sleeping woman in his arms. He pushed the door open with his foot and made his way to the bed, gently setting her down in the crimson red and black colours sheets. He pulled the sheets over her, causing Eos to grab the blanket and pull it into her snuggling herself up like a human burrito. Wyatt walked out being sure to close the door quietly, as to not wake Eos, before he turned and went to his office to sort out the last of the files he needed to go through.

Outside Dustin, Kodak sat against the house texting Derik.

Dustin: You coming?

Derik: Hell no, I don't have a death wish

Dustin: Whatever

The two hoisted themselves up to Eos window, quietly breaking into it before hovering over Eos. Kodak grabbed a rag and held it up before looking at Dustin who have him a nod. Kodak then grabbed Eos face gagging her, causing her to wake up.

+ ' Eos pov ' +

I woke up to someone grabbing my face. As I opened my eyes I noticed Kodak who had gagged me with a rag. My eyes widened at the sight of the two men in my room. I slapped Kodak without even thinking. Before I knew it Dustin grabbed my hair and threw me to the ground.

"Shut up." Kodak scolded at the sound of me hitting the floor.

Dustin walked up to me as I looked up at him from the floor pulling myself up to my knees. In a swift motion he kicked me in the stomach, which sent me flying backwards. Kodak knelt down and held a knife to my throat as Dustin continued to kick me in the stomach and a few times in the chest.

"Can't have that little heir to the mafia making it out alive." Dustin said with a smirk as he noticed blood pooling out from between my legs, coating the floor in a dark red.

I looked down noticing what had happened.. Tears filled my eyes at the sight of my little baby laying on the floor in a pool of blood. His tiny little fingers so intricately visible and small. I picked him up, he was hardly half the size of my finger. I looked up at Kodak and Dustin astears pooled out of my eyes. Kodak almost looked sick as he turned away from me, making his way out of the window. Dustin sat smiling, his face half visible in the dark of my room.

Before I knew it Wyatt opened the door and froze seeing what was going on. Without saying a word he walked over and grabbed Dustin by the shoulder, throwing him to the ground next to me. Wyatt turned and grabbed a crowbar from the window sill that Dustin and Kodak had used to get into the window. With one hard swing Wyatt sent the crowbar down into Dustin leg causing him to scream. I watched as Wyatt effortlessly struck Dustin over and over with the crowbar adding to the small blood pool that had originally coated the floor. I looked down at my precious baby still in my hand in absolute shock. Never would I have imagined this very thing would ever happen to me....was I not meant to have children....was this pay back for killing my sister....why would anyone do this to a mother. I looked back at Wyatt as he dropped the blood covered crowbar. Dustin's limp body laid on the floor next to me, he was a blood covered file of flesh at this point. I sat there without a word before Wyatt took the gag off of me and sat me up on the bed.

Tara ran in to look at me holding the small baby in my hands while Wyatt rubbed my back. Tara stepped over the limp body on the floor and grabbed my arm, guiding me out of the room and into hers. She sat me down on her bed before turning to grab a small box. I watched as she walked back and held out the small colored box. "Eos can you put it in here so I can get you washed up." Tara looked down at my hands and then meet my eyes.

I lifted my hands and gently placed my baby in the box before Tara turned away with it and set it down. She came back to me and helped me up, leading me to the bathroom of clean me off. As she cleaned me off the older words I could mumble were,

" I am done with the Mafia.."

Tara helped me to her bed where she lay me down. Wyatt walked in and sat on Tara's bed next to me.

"Princess, I told Archer we are stepping down as the mafia leaders." Wyatt wrapped an arm around me pulling me into a hug.

"I am done with the Mafia.." The words escaped my mouth again as I caught sight of the small box on the other side of Tara's room.

I broke into tears as Wyatt pulled me closer repeatedly telling me that everything would be ok. My heart had shattered into a million pieces as I stared across the room at the small box, tears overflowing from my eyes. I couldn't take it anymore as I buried my face into Wyatt's shoulder gripping onto him tightly as I screamed and cried until I fell asleep.

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