chapter 30: hello little girl.

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Tara had come back, regaining everyone's trust. It took some time, but her and her tools were able to help fordge a stronger Mafia. She may have built the McKinley Mafia up and given them the knowledge they needed to train, but the Rocky Mafia was far more experienced. After all, we had the advantage.

^Eos pov^

As Wyatt and I gathered mafia member we noticed a small girl hiding among the bushes outside of our car garage. She almost reminded me of myself; small, dark haired, and always hiding in the shadows. I sat there looking at her for a minute before she darted away. She must have known that I saw her through the thin brush. I looked for Wyatt wanting to tell him what I saw. As I look around I saw him no where in sight. I decided to run off after the girl, wanting to know what she was doing all by herself.

After hours off running after this girl I followed her into a cave, it reminded me of my childhood with my mother. How I wished my mother was still around for me to see, I missed her so much. As I poked in my head I noticed the girl shoving something into a bag that seemed to be made from an animal hide.

"Excuse me?" I said walking into the cave to see the little girl spin around.

"Who are you?" The girl asked as her eyes widened. "Did you follow me?" Her stare was so innocent, like she had never been through a bad thing in her entire life. "I'm Eos." I said as I smiled, extending my hand out.

"Oh your Eos!" She said, a look of excitement on her face. "My dad sent me to find you."

"Your dad?" I asked very confused. This girl was no older than six.

"Yes my dad, Roman." She said turning to rummage through one of her bags.

I stood frozen at the mention of my brothers name, I hadn't seen him since we were both little. I hadn't known what he had been up to, let alone that he had a child.

"What was your name?" I said looking at the small girl. "I'm Valentine." She said, skipping to me holding a picture of her and my brother at an arcade.

My hands trembled, she was named after my mother... It had been forever since I had heard the sound of my mother's name. I was almost surprised my brother named his kid after our mother. I looked at the girl with tears in my eyes before pulling her into me, hugging her. She did look like my mother in a sense, the same dark black hair and dark green eyes, freckles coating her face.

"Are you ok auntie?" The little girl said pulling back to look at me.

"Yes, you just look at lot like your grandma." I said with a sad smile. The little girl smiled at me before turning to put the picture back into her bag.

"Why don't you come back with me until your dad comes and gets you." I said helping her grab her bags.

We made our way back to the house. As we walked in many people stopped to stare. Valentine and I walked into Wyatt's office seeing him and Tara arguing before Wyatt's mouth dropped open at the sight of Valentine behind me, causing Tara to turn around.

"Oh my god!" She squealed. "Who's the little one!"

"This is my niece, Valentine." I said stepping to the side to reveal the small dame. "H-hello.." Valentine said letting out a nervous wave.

Wyatt walked around his desk, stopping in front of Valentine. He knelt down, opening his arms which she reluctantly went into as he picked her up.

"Why don't we go boss people around and make them do silly things." Wyatt said, holding Valentine with one arm and grabbing a few files with the other hand.

"Like make them play dress up?" Valentine asked curiously.

"Of course we can make them play dress up, why don't we go get Archer, he loves playing dress up." Wyatt said walking out giving me and Tara a smirk. After Wyatt shut the door Tara and I bust out laughing,knowing what was to happen to Archer.

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