Ari Grey

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Mileys POV

It's 7am in the morning and I'm already at school. I know, I'm a bit early but I had this Gutt feeling that I'd get jumped. And I got this new Jacket and I didn't want it to get ruined or stolen.

Students are arriving little by little and thankfully neither Cody or Gabriella are here.

I pick out stuff from my locker and whilst doing that I sense someone next to me, maybe they are picking out books too

"Um Excuse me" wait, it's not a they it's a he and he is talking to me, I slowly turn to face the person, I look up to face the person and meet brown eyes starring down directly at me

"Hi" he says he's actually very handsome, and why does he look so familiar.

"Can I help you" I ask

"Yeah, it's my first day here and I can't find my way around, plus this map the Principal gave me, makes absolutely no sense"

I sigh and face him, "alright where are you headed"

He opens his mouth to proceed to talk then closes it he looks at me strangely and folds his arms

"Hey, do I know you, have we met before"

"Who?, Me No we've not met, never"

"Are you sure" he asks tilting his head " what's your name?"

"Miley" I reply "Miley Morales"

"Miley, oh My God!" He yells, he seems very excited?, why's he so excited?, what's wrong with him?

"What has it been ten, eleven years since we last saw, it's been so long"

"Sorry, who are you" I ask out of utter Confusion"

"You don't remember me, it's me Ari, Ari Grey"

Ari Grey, I never thought I'd see him again. He was like my best friend when we were Kids, him, David and I. We were like the three musketeers although I did have a little crush on him but I made extra sure he never found out about it. He moved out of town with his parents, and that was it, I never saw or heard from him again till today

"Ari Grey?"

"Yes, it's me, don't you remember me?"

"No, I do but what're you doing here, didn't you like move"

"I did, then I moved back, My Dad got a new job here and my Mom missed this place so we came back"

"Ah, I see"

"Is it just me or you're not excited to see me"

"Oh no, I am I'm so sorry it's just I'm so excited I don't even know how to react" he smirks and hugs me

"It's nice to see you again" he releases me and leans on a locker

"So, how's David, does she still live in this town"

"Yeah, Yeah she does, she'll be here soon actually" I say adjusting my glasses "Well it was nice seeing you again, I should get going". I turn to leave

"Wait" he says,  I turn back to face him


"What class are you headed" he asks

"I have Geography"

"I have Geography too, Oh is this your home room" he asks and shows me a writing on a piece of paper

"Yeah, yeah it is"

"Great we're in the same class, let's go together" what!

"Oh okay, follow me"

We both walk into class and I sit at my usual seat at the very front of the class and surprisingly Ari sits next to me. What's he doing, literally no one sits next to me except well the nerds in class. I carefully analyse his features, he's grown taller, a lot taller, and muscular, I guess he works out a lot, he has a well defined jawline and nice lips too. Ari sure has grown

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