Sexy Potato

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"I think you should tell him you like him" David says to me

"I dunno, what if he doesn't feel the same way, I don't want to embarrass myself"

"What're you saying Miley, of course he likes you, I've seen how cozy you both have been with each other lately, and I've seen how he looks at you, he's totally into you"

"You think so?"

"Yeah, he's probably waiting for you to confess your feelings first, boys do that shit a lot, I find it annoying like the Actual F**K"

"So you think I should tell him"

"Well if you want too, I don't see why not" David holds my hand and smiles at me. at this moment I'm a blushing mess, I've never been This happy about anything ever, except for that time when my mom made Chillaquiles for my birthday, or that time my favourite author updated her book. The feeling, it's so.... unexplainable.


"Um actually it's Miley" what is it with people and mispronouncing my name?. I turn to face the speaker and see Noah Grant towering over me, his collonge practically obstructing my breathing system. I stare at him speechless, I never knew he was this tall, probably because I've never been This close to him. He's wearing black jeans, a white t-shirt and a black leather Jacket. There are rings on his fingers and when I finally get the courage to look up to face him, I notice the piercings on his left ear, I think he has like three or four, I can't tell. His honey coloured eyes are staring directly at Me and his deep brown hair is Messy but in a cute way. The rumours are true, he's gorgeous.

"Your Book" he says and shoves my Fire and blood Novel in my hands before walking away.

"Well that was odd"

"What was that about?" David asks me

"He borrowed this Novel from me I think last weeks, he just returned it"

"Noah Grant reads novels, that's something you don't see everyday"

"Hey Guys" Ari says walking up to us. My face lights up immediately I see him

"Hi Ari" I say holding my book closer to my Chest

"Hey Miley" he says and smiles at me, oh that heavenly smile.

"What's up man" David says and fist bumps him

"Nothing really, just got out of Bio but hey, you guys are coming to my game tomorrow right"



"Cool, and hey there's an after party later here at school if we win, you both have to come"

"We'll totally come" David says and places her arm over my shoulder "here that Miley, we're going to a party". Usually I don't go for these stuff but for Ari, Hell yeah I'm going

"We'll be there" I say still smiling like a fool

"Great" the bell rings, schools over

"Okay Guys, I have to go, I have aJob interview to get too"

"You'll get the Job, I know you will" Ari says and hugs me

"You're too nice"

"Good luck Miley"

"Thanks David" I say and walk away.

After thirty long Minutes of walking, I arrive the restaurant I want to work at and enter it. I see a lady in uniform mopping the floors, she looks like she's in her early twenties.

"We're closed today, come back tomorrow" she says without even looking at me

"Actually, I'm here for the Job application" she looks up at me and leans on the mop

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