(5) Awaken PT. 2

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Location : The Nemesis.

Third Person POV :

Half an earth hour had passed as Soundwave got a ping from the console he was at, a voice message had been sent. "Soundwave : has received voice message. Lord Megatron : must listen." The TIC said as he turned to Megatron on his throne and waited for the warlord. The said mech rose from his metal chair and walked towards Soundwave. Arriving at the navy blue mech's side, Soundwave played the message as the words played. "This is Commander Starscream! If you receive this message, I'm stranded in a cave! Coordinates should be attached to this message. Hurry up!" the voice of A certain SIC shouted through the recorded message.

Megatron gave a low hum as another ping sent the coordinates to the reckless seeker's current location, then turning his gaze to Soundwave when the message had played. "Ready the troops on deck, Soundwave...And You will also accompany me on this." The warlord ordered the TIC, turning away when Soundwave gave a light nod. 

Exiting the throne room whilst Soundwave would COMM a few Eradicons and give them their next mission. The warlord entered the dull purple halls as he strided through them on his way to the flight deck.

Upon arriving to the deck, two neat lines of Eradicons wait upon the Decepticon leader's next orders, ready to take off when commanded to. Soundwave was also there waiting for Megatron, standing in front of the two lines and turning away to meet his covered blank gaze to Megatron. "Lord Megatron : ready for take off?" The navy blue mech said with his everycycle monotone of a voice. "Yes, Soundwave." The warlord rasped to the TIC, then signaling for the Eradicons that It was time for take off.

The drones immediately obeyed their leader's order, turning around to face the earth's skyview and one by one jumping off the deck and transforming into their alt modes as they flew up and circled above their two superiors, waiting for the two mechs to join along and lead the way.

Soundwave went along, jumping off the deck and flying a single loop around the circled up flock of Eradicons, the said drones getting the signal and following the TIC as they made a V shaped line. Megatron and his way to the edge of the deck, doing a short run and jumping off to transform in his alt mode as he caught up with his TIC, flying beside him as they both led the V of drones, though the warlord stayed behind his TIC as Soundwave was the one who had coordinates, thus the silent mech leading the way mostly.


Location : Forest. 


Optimus, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead had been driving to the coordinates they had been sent to, Bulkhead was still a bit cautious about it but stayed focused and listened when their leader had reassured him. They were groundbridged a bit close to the location as to not waste much time.

They drove along a valley half way there before going off-road and into a forest when the coordinates trailed off in that direction. Halfway through, they transformed into their bot modes and walked the rest of the way, as to not alert the Decepticons of they were already there

"So, how long 'til we get to 'Screamer's location?" Bulkhead asked Optimus as he walked behind the red and blue mech.
"It should only be twenty more kliks until we get there Bulkhead." Optimus replied, Bumblebee beeped and whirled: asking if it was just another one of Starscream's tricks.
"I believe not. Though Starscream is full of tricks and unpredictable, he can get himself into trouble very often. Every mech and femme should deserve to be rescued and have a helping servo, good or bad, Autobot or Decepticon." Optimus said as wise as can be. It was never just a conversation when speaking with Optimus Prime, it's always somehow a speech at some point, or very much wisdom. Bulkhead and Bumblebee nodded in sorta agreement with the wise Prime, can't argue with a prime after all.

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