Lesson 4 pt.1-A sick demon

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"There there...everything will be alright..."

"Take a deep breath and rest..."

"You will be okay...."

Lucifer:*Startled awake* Lilian !-*Coughing*

Mammon: Hey hey calm down !

Lucifer:....*Look around*...My room...*Feel dizzy*...W-What the...

Mammon: Your having a cold. You have to rest now...

Lucifer:...Lilian...I...heard her...

Mammon: It's just a dream...*Tuck him in*...You don't have to go to RAD for the meantime. Just rest okay ?

Lucifer: But-

Mammon: No work. Don't do paperwork. Get some rest. At this rate, your physical state has got weakend from lack of rest. So take it easy this time. Lord Diavolo will understand this

Lucifer:...*Sigh*...fine-*Coughing then turn away before start shivering*


*At RAD*

Satan:*Phone-calling*...I see...you should check the cabinet at the bathroom. I'm pretty sure Beel put it there. Alright *End the call*

Rami:*Approaching him* What's the matter fourth-born ?

Satan: Lucifer catch a cold and Mammon ask where the hot water bag are

Belphie: Mammon, Beel and Levi staying at home with Lucifer

Rami: Huh. Now no wonder I haven't seen them. I actually realize that first-born seemingly was under the weather. Just look at him

"As if his power got drained out of sudden"


Satan:....Stop talking nonsense Rami. Your sound suspicious

Rami: Come on I'm just joking. No need to take it seriously. I hope that first-born will be in good hands after this *Walk away*


*At classroom*

Aimu: He's sick ?

Simeon: Yeah. I actually able to tell it. He looks abit pale than usual. I'm pretty sure Dr Frib will upset with it

Aimu: He's a doctor afterall. But still....

Simeon: Hm ?



*After school at Shibui Hall*

Aimu:*Sit on the couch while thinking*

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