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MAISIE SAWYERS. Cheerleader for the Ravens at Tree Hill High, Peyton Sawyers slightly younger sister, practically in love with music, has never had a boyfriend and has a huge motivation to play basketball. She's nothing like Peyton or Brooke, she's an in between, and that's what makes her such a great best friend to Haley. After school was snacks and homework at Karen's Cafe, with Haley and she recently got a job there, so it was perfect for her. Maisie has seen Lucas Scott around the Cafe, I mean, he's Karen's son. She knew the drama with Nathan and what Lucas had to do with it, but she never paid any mind to that, she enjoyed playing basketball with him when she could. Peyton has told her plenty of times that she should consider joining the basketball team, but didn't. One, she felt like she wouldn't belong. Two, she knew that Brooke would absolutely have a fit, since she was also great at cheerleading. Today, after school, Maisie was at the basketball court with Lucas, Junk, Skills, Mouth, Jimmy and some other guy she didn't know yet. She sat on the bench, getting ready to play.

"You guys remember Tom Dugan from grade school?" Junk asked, holding the ball.

"He used to live next door to you, right?" Lucas asked.

"Some guy snapped him with a wet towel, and he lost one of his testicles." Junk told us, as some of the boys started to laugh, making me crack a smile.

"Come on." Lucas smiled, looking away for a second. 

" Okay, Junk." Skills said.

"Just saying what I heard." Junk shrugged.

"Anyway, man, what you reading these days?" Skills asked Lucas, as I finished lacing up her sneakers.

""Steinbeck -- "the winter of our discontent."" Lucas told him as I took the ball from his hands, dribbled it and laid it up.

"And that's Sawyers first layup of the day!" Mouth announced as the boys smiled and clapped. I took a bow and started to practice more of her 3-pointer shots.

"Peyton Sawyer. You seen her webcam? In her bedroom -- I hear she's naked on it, like, all the time ..." Junk said, as I walked up to him and yanked his ear, causing the boys to laugh.

"What ? I hear things." Junk protested as I let go of his ear.

"Well you're hearing the wrong things." I added.

"You know, I saw her the other night. She almost ran me over, of course." Lucas told us with a  chuckle.

"Yeah, she pretty fine, huh?" The boy said, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Ah, she's all right ... Just shoot for teams, all right?" Lucas said, handing me the ball and with that the game began.

After the game, Peyton picked me up. She and Lucas held eye contact for way too long before she finally got into the car and drove off. I didn't like that I knew she kind of likes Lucas, I mean, she barely spoke to him, ever. When we got home, I went straight into the shower and washed my hair. I was also pretty jealous that I felt like Lucas somewhat wanted my sister, because I have liked Lucas for the longest, but of course nobody knew that, but my sister.

Our dad was away overseas and it was always just me and Peyton since High school started. We both knew how to cook and clean, and if something was wrong in our house, Lucas' uncle, Keith would come over and help us out. Dad tried to video chat us as often as he could, which was kind of rare, but it happened. Tonight it was my turn to cook dinner, so when I got out of the shower, I went straight to the kitchen and made my favorite for me and Peyton. Tacos.

"These taste really good, Mais." Peyton told me, as she ate her taco.

"I know." I flipped my hair, smiling as I finished my 3rd taco.

"Do you have work after school?" Peyton asked me, taking up our plates and washing the dishes.

"No, we have cheer practice, don't we?" I asked her, wiping my mouth with a paper towel.

"Oof, I don't know. I'll ask Brooke in the morning." Peyton told me.

"Alright. Well, I'm going to bed. Night, Pey." I kissed her cheek.

"Night, Mais." Peyton smiled, as we walked off to our rooms.

When I got into my room, I closed my door and turned off my light, then turned on my bedside light. I was always scared of the dark, so Dad always made sure I had a lamp or a night light. Me and Peyton were very different from each other. It seemed like Peyton didn't fear anything and on the other hand me, I was the baby. Aside from me being the youngest, I was scared of a lot. Clowns, the dark, the ocean, etc. But, my biggest fear has always been rejection. Whenever I closed my eyes, I always had dreams of me being a famous basketball player, or a well known one in Tree Hill, like Nathan Scott.

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