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SCHOOL. It was the only other thing besides basketball, cheer and hanging out with Haley that distracted me from missing my dad. My friends weren't really Brooke or Rachel, nor did I hang out with my sister's boyfriend, Nathan Scott. He was the popular jock of Tree Hill High, and was a dick to my sister, she's never told anyone but me. There was one jock that I did hang out with, and that is Jake Jagielski. He has a kid, but that never bothered me. I helped with Jenny when he needed it, I loved Jenny like family.

"So, after cheer, I'm gonna head over to Karen's." I told Jake, smiling.

"Okay, that sounds cool -- wait for a shift or just to hang?" Jake asked, as he put his books into his backpack.

"Just to hang out. Unless you need help with Jenny." I finished packing my bag.

"No, no. It's cool, my parents can today. But, thanks for the offer, Maisie." Jake thanked me, giving me a hug before leaving the English classroom.

"Okay, you definitely have eyes for Jake Jagielski." Brooke teased, as we left English together.

"No, I do not. He's just a very good friend." I protested.

"Right, that's what everyone says, right before they fuck the guy their talking about." Brooke said rather loudly before skipping off somewhere.

"Oh, wow." I chuckled to myself, opening my locker and putting my binder inside.

"You coming to the court afterschool, Mais?" Lucas asked me, standing next to me.

"Can't. I'm hanging with Haley today." I shook my head, closing my locker and turning to him.

"Oh, alright. Well you know where to find me." Lucas patted my shoulder before walking off.

Lucas was always one of the boys girls thought that I was "too good" for. But, I really think that they would be talking about one of the douchey jocks. Lucas is polite, helpful and respectful. Nathan is the polar opposite and I was only glad that he had no interest in me and all of it went to my sister. Peyton is really only known for being Brooke's best friend, Nathan's girlfriend, being on the cheer team and for her webcam site. On the other hand, I was only known for being Peyton's slightly younger sister. Our mom died when Peyton was 8, and I was 7 still, being 9 months younger than Peyton. 

I made my way over to Karen's Cafe and walked in, sitting at a table by the window and took out my folder with a notebook and got started on some homework. I usually took my bike places because Peyton always went to go hang out with Nathan or Brooke after school and I didn't want to get roped into tagging along. When I got on my second page for English, I looked up and Keith walked in.

"Hi, Keith." I waved, smiling.

"Maisie, how are you?" Keith asked, sitting at the table.

"Good. And you?" I returned the question.

"Same same. Still playing ball?" Keith asked, looking at my homework.

"You bet I am." I smiled, looking at him.

"Hopefully one day you'll be able to put up a shot in my face." Keith joked, getting up.

"I'll break your ankles, old man." I joked back, as Keith chuckled going to Karen, who was smiling at the both of us.

"I am so sorry I'm late." Haley apologized, putting down a cup of Green Tea next to me.

"It's okay. Is that for me?" I smiled, looking at the cup.

"Yeah, it's another way of me apologizing for being late. A forgive-me-because-you-love-your-best-friend cup of Green Tea." Haley bubbled, smiling.

"Of course I forgive you, Hales." I grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

Haley and I finished some homework together and talked about how Nathan asked her to tutor him. I told her that it's probably because he wants to make Lucas upset, but Haley made it cleat that she wasn't going to tell Lucas, and to be honest, I wasn't going to either. It wasn't my business, but if Nathan put Haley in their twisted family drama, I will make sure he never hears the end of it. 

"So, say Lucas does find out. What will you do?" I asked Haley, popping a piece of gum into my mouth.

"I don't know, Maisie. It's gonna be hard to explain to my best friend why I'm tutoring his brother that hates his guts for no apparent reason." Haley shrugged, looking at me.

"Well, let's just hope nobody gets nosey and tells him or anyone else." I crossed my fingers before packing my books and notebook into my backpack.

"Peyton coming to pick you up?" Haley asked.

"No, I'm walking." I swung my bag over my shoulder, before hugging her.

"Bye, Karen! Bye, Keith!" I waved, leaving the cafe and heading home.

Nothing bad ever happened in Tree Hill, so I was always okay walking home by myself from every where. I also decided that I'd talk to Coach Whitey tomorrow about joining the basketball team, or at least getting a shot at it. When I got into the house, it was quiet and the lights were off, which meant Peyton was over at Nathan's. I turned on the kitchen light and placed my bag on the floor beside the island. I grabbed some ingredients and made myself a honey glazed turkey sandwich. When I finished eating, I headed to my room and changed to my pj's. I was 100% ready to talk to Coach Whitey the next morning. I wanted to show everyone I played basketball, and I played well enough to be on a team.

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