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I WALKED DOWN THE HALL TO COACH WHITEY'S OFFICE. I felt panic in my chest, I wasn't one of the boys and Whitey has never seen me play a game of basketball ever, he's only ever watched me cheer on the sidelines. I knocked on his office door and sighed.

"You can do this, Maisie." I whispered to myself.

"Come in!" Coach Whitey said on the other side of the door.

I opened the door and walked in, closing it behind me. I looked around his office, he had his name tag thing on the desk and I sighed.

"Maisie Saywer. What can I do for you?" Coach Whitey asked.

"I-i want a spot on the basketball team." I demanded, looking at him in the eyes.

There was a long silence before he bursted into laughter, I held a serious expression, it took him a while to notice but when he did, his smile fell.

"Oh, you're serious." He looked at me and I nodded.

"Well, uh. Maisie, I'm sorry to break it to you. But, this team, it's uh guys only and I've never watched you play you know. You're a cheerleader." Coach Whitey took off his cap, and looked at me.

"Make a time, you can watch me play! Ask Lucas Scott, o-or Keith! You know Keith right?!" I asked, anxious.

"I'm sorry, Maisie. Some things are better in dreams." He told me and I sighed, tears welling in my eyes.

"Whatever.." I walked out of his office and went into the girls bathroom and locked myself into a stall and sat on the toilet seat.

I cried, with my hand over my mouth. I knew it was going to happen, I knew the rejection would come, but I never knew the pain that came with it. It made me feel like I wasn't anything, I wasn't enough just because I wasn't one of the boys. 

After about 15 minutes, I went to the lockerroom and got dressed for cheer practice. We had one side of the gym for cheer and the other side was for basketball practice. When I walked in, Brooke approached me.

"Your mascara is runny." She told me.

"Oh." I sighed, wiping under my eyes.

"What's wrong?" Brooke frowned.

"Nothing. Are we doing last weeks dance still?" I asked, walking over to my spot next Rachel.

"Yeah, we're just adding some moves on." She nodded and with that she pressed the boombox and our music started playing and we practiced our routine.


After practice, I went to Karen's Cafe and Lucas was there, he was the last person I wanted to see. He was very much buddy buddy with my sister, and I didn't like that, not as long as she was with Nathan. I sat down at my regular table by the window and opened a book, starting to read.

"Hello to you too, Maisie." Lucas said, sitting down.

"Hi." I greeted him back, putting my book down to look at him.

"Did I do something, Mais?" Lucas asked, his face painted with concern.

"You and my sister. You two keep flirting and she has a boyfriend." I told him, I could tell Karen was listening in by the way she looked.

"I know, but her boyfriend is my shitty half-brother." Lucas tried to explain and I put my hand up.

"So? It's still her boyfriend, Lucas.. And besides, she'll ruin you." I told him, putting my book in my bag and walked out of the cafe, upset.

"Maisie, wait!" Lucas called after me and I kept walking, I walked all the way home. 

"Maisie, please wait.." Lucas sighed and I turned.

"You followed me all the way here?" I asked, facing him.

"You know what? Yeah, I did! You walk all the way here, every day?" Lucas asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, so what do you care?" I asked him, going to unlock my door. 

"Maisie, I'm sorry.. for whatever I did, okay? I just don't know what you want me to do." Lucas breathed out.

"I want you stay away from my sister, Lucas. You've never even talked to her until like last week. Trust me if you're in love with my sister, you shouldn't be. Especially since she's flirting with you while she has a boyfriend, does that not ring red flag?!" I ranted.

"Maisie-" Lucas tried but I slammed the door and turned and there my sister was, tears running down her face.

"How could you?" Peyton asked.

"How could you? You read my diaries last night.. you know I have a major crush on Lucas and you still feen for him, and you have a boyfriend. So really, Peyton. How could you?" I fumed, walking to my room.

I showered and changed to my PJs, I hoped Peyton just backed off sometimes. There were plenty of other boys in the school she could go for. Like Jake, or some other jock. It didn't have to be Lucas, but it was. And, I didn't want it to be Lucas for her.

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