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“I can't believe it, you're really here!” She exclaimed “Move your legs, my madam wants to see you.”

Rayna stood up, putting her backpack behind her. The girl looked about 15. She was short and had short dark hair, although it was messy at the ends. Her clothes were those of a maid. The woman assumed that, because of the width of the fabric, they dragged on the floor easily, which is why there were some stains on the edges of the dress.

The girl opened the cell. As she left the prison, she pointed to where the stranger should go and started walking. Even though she saw her with the backpack, she didn't check to see if the prisoner was carrying any kind of weapon, let alone restraining her arms.

She looks... normal

“Rayna, is it? I'm Dahlia”

Not getting an answer, she pouted.

“Oh, don't be shy. It's been a while since I've had good company," she insisted.

“I'm just surprised to find someone normal in this place," Rayna explained.

Dália raised her eyebrows.

“What would be "normal" to you?”

“I don't know, someone my height”

The girl laughed.

“You were scared by her, weren't you? My madam impresses everyone “

That was a statement Rayna had to agree with. She'd read about it in college. When people have too much GH - the growth hormone - in their bodies, they become overgrown. Even so, nothing could explain that woman's abnormal height.

“I was surprised when they told me about you, usually our guests don't even make it past the front door," continued Dahlia.

Oh my God

“I'm kidding," she said, jumping into a puddle of water. A few drops splashed on Rayna's boots.

“You're not here for a walk, that's for sure. Why did you come to this hellhole?”

“Why do you think I should tell you?”

“Blimey, I'm not going to tell on you to the giant, I've got my secrets too”

The situation was quite strange. Rayna hadn't imagined that she would be talking normally to one of her kidnappers. Looking at it from the other side, the girl barely carried that title, as she led the way like an eleven-year-old child.

“Okay, let's assume I believe you," she said, "Can you tell me where you're taking me? Should I prepare myself for a quick or agonizing death?”

Dahlia laughed.

"Wow, you're very direct," she said. "But let's go in parts, after all, you're not going anywhere until they decide what they're going to do with your pretty little face”

“What do you mean?”

Dahlia patted the woman on the shoulder “Wait and see, Ray Ray.”

“Don't call me that”

“Uh? Just Ray, okay?”

“How about "lean on me again and I'll make you drink from this mud puddle?"

"Bad joke, bad joke," said Dahlia, "but I'll let it slide because I thought you were cute.”

Along the way, the girl went to the corners of the dungeon and knocked on the wall. Rayna was surprised, but didn't ask. Going through the doors, the two came across two opposite corridors. Wherever the outsider looked, she found gold in abundance. She couldn't help imagining the fortune that castle cost.

The Lost Soul (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now