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Hey hey, guys! I've risen from the ashes and finally have a brand new chapter!

A thousand pardons again for the delay. In compensation, this is the longest chapter I've written so far haha.

I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it

Bye Bye and see ya next chapter :) ♡


Rayna hadn't noticed it before, it had barely crossed her mind how she had got there, but she had stared at that painting of yellow flowers for so long that she had begun to see flaws in it. Both the frame and the painting had been severely punished by time, with a special helping hand from the humidity.

The old-fashioned clock in the living room read thirteen o'clock in the afternoon. Thirty minutes ago, Angie got off that elevator and hasn't been back since. It was the doll's custom to leave the outsider on her own in that house, although strange, considering that Rayna must have been under surveillance.

There was a window there, but it was locked, as were all the exits. Moreover, what she was looking at was a door. A little smaller, but still a door.

Holding each side of the frame, Rayna pulled the painting away from the wall and carefully placed it on the floor. The painting hid a metal door out of proportion with the rest of the mansion. It was low enough for the outsider to sneak through without any problems.

If Rayna had to guess, she'd say it looked like the entrance to a bunker, and a very unusual one at that. It could be, but the woman preferred the idea of investigating and sleeping with a clear conscience.

Best of all: it was unlocked. If they didn't lock it properly, it wasn't Rayna's fault, right?

"Check it out, Angie. I'm about to sneak through a hidden door. No idea if I'm going to make it out alive" she admitted loudly, looking at the elevator.

No sound of crashing wood, or thin screams. Yes, she could go on without remorse.

With the competence she didn't even know she had, Rayna crouched down and entered. The door was slightly above the floor, which forced Rayna to keep her hands on the floor in an attempt to hold her body up. Then she just closed the door.

When they find out I'm gone, let them try to find me

Rayna stayed crouched because of the low ceiling. She couldn't explain it. The place had the same characteristics as a basement, only much dirtier and more cramped. The wooden walls that surrounded it smelled of mold and dust. It was as if she was under the floor of the house.

The woman bowed her shoulders in disappointment. There was nothing useful there. She would have to go for plan B and find another way out, or go back inside in regret.

No, they hide it here for a good reason

She walked, or rather crouched, to the other side of the "basement". If there was a way in, there was a way out. There should be, even if she had to kick those walls.

Her prayers were answered. The woman had to narrow her eyes to see a section of broken wood, opening a passage out.

Rayna sighed with relief "I'm glad it wasn't in vain"

She looked at the access in the wall.

"Strange. That wasn't broken"

The opening seemed to have been built on purpose. It had a square shape, almost the same size as the metal door. This place wasn't a bunker, it was a passage to help someone escape from something threatening. But who?

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