when the moon fell inlove with the sun

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"Don't go just yet, I haven't gotten your name, Mr moon" I exclaim looking up at the dark, gloomy boy.

"Oh you beautiful sun, you shall find out soon enough" the boy told me.

Alone, the two of us where in a barren field of dry grass, surrounded by looming trees and a picnic table, covered in various cakes and scones and macaroons and tea cups. Every day without fail I sat, drinking tea as a small scrawny boy appears before me, dressed in blues and silvers and purples, I simply know him as the moon, and he knows me as the sun, as I always wear yellow.

"But when can we meet, I wish to hold you in my arms and caress your silver skin" I cry out to the moon "soon, my lover, soon"


"BRENDON BOYD URIE IF YOU DONT GET OUT THAT BED SO HELP ME GOD" my mother yells at me as I slowly drift from my dream "I'm up I'm up I'm up" I groan, jumping out of bed; you know something? I've never made it past that point in my dream, my subconscious won't let me, whether it be my mom cruely waking me up or my alarm or my sweet puppy bambi licking my face till I rise from my slumber like a gay sleeping beauty, it was all strange, plus I had no idea who this moon character was meant to be, I'd never seen anyone who looked remotely close to this boy, he was perfect, with his brown hair and soft doe ayes, no, not at all had I seen a boy so perfect.

After my rude awakening and getting dressed I traveled down the stairs to my kitchen where my mother and father where eating breakfast "morning bren" my dad smiled "morning pops" I greet him, heading straight for the cabinet of medicine for my pills "oh sweetheart we're all out of your stuff, I'll need to hop by the pharmacy after church today" my mother told me "cool, hey Spencer is gonna be here soon to take me to school so I'll meet you guys at church after school okay? Love you guys bye!" I smile, walking out the front door just as Spencer pulled into the driveway, his fall out boy CD blaring "Yo yo yiggity yo brendon my man" Spencer said as I jumped into the car.

"Dude Mr durst is so harsh on grading I'm so lucky I dropped his class" Spencer explained, leaning on the locker next to me "yeah well I tried to drop Mrs bowman's bio class and said I had waisted my potential, plus I wanted to be in Mr Cobains music" I groan, glancing at the lockers behind me, their stood two awkwardly posed people, one was facing us, sporting a American idiot t-shirt, black beanie and thick coat, the other wore a pair of battered converse, black skinny jeans, a studded belt and a grey zip up sweater, I couldn't get a look at his face properly though "Yo bren are you listening?" Spencer asked me, shit. My face must have been blank because he ended up repeating himself "do you and Sarah have any classes together?" He stated again, but slower "um English I think" I tell him, shutting my locker with a thud. As I turned to look at the two boys I noticed the "Jocks" bump the hoodie boy causing him to fall, and without thinking I go over to help him "hey are you alright?" I ask, picking up his books, AP history, AP English and a black note book, covered in stickers "yeah thanks" the boy said looking at me, I took a moment to stare at his jaw droppingly handsome face, no, pretty face, it was soft looking and he had pink lips and doe eyes and... and holy shit I knew him, he was.....


We said at the same time, he knew me? That was impossible, no two people could have the exact same dream, nope no way "how did you?" I start "Ryan! Cmon were gonna be late on the first day" a boy said from behind him " see you tonight then Mr. sunshine" he smiled. I was in shock, it was one thing he knew the sun and moon thing, but the nicknames too? It was all pretty odd to me, but with that I watched as the boy left down the corridor "you know him?" Spencer asked "nah um, just being nice you know?" I smile.

We wait on our other friends Nathaniel and Sean then head to our home room "yooo you guys got any good classes today?" Nate asks "I mean I have double period music 6&7 period" I tell them "what? Lucky, I got fucking English with Mr Mars 6&7" Sean groans "haha I got Mr Lee this year" Spencer laughs "bro I got you both beat, read it and weep, I got fucking Miss. Fucking sturm" I chuckle as we step into the homeroom class "what the fuck that's AP English? How the fuck are you in AP English?" Spencer asked "coz I'm good at fucking English?" I tell them "Mr urie please contain yourself when in my classroom" Mr grohl asked me.


Hey! Here's another book I'm writing but ryden! I'll be doing a poll here to ask what ship you think my next book should be, comment on the ship you would like to see!

Option one

Kellic (kellin quinn x Vic fuentes)

Option two

Peterick (pete wenz x Patrick stump)

Option three

Peteky (pete wenz x mikey way)

Option four

We do like a one shot ordeal with all of them but each get their own chapter with variations of smut, fluff or lemon

Option five

Another frerard (frank iero x gerard way)

But we make it edgy and sad

Option six

Another ryden (Ryan ross x brendon urie)

But based on the songs time to dance, camisado and nails for breakfast, tacks for snacks and we make it hella sad and edgy

Lmk what you guys think!

OR right now I'm also super into old mde vidz and Sam and colby so options for that style of fic are

Option one

Jahnnie ( jake webber x johnnie guilbert)

Option two

Kohnnie (Kyle x johnnie)

Option three

Solby (Sam x colby)

Option four

Kreena (callmekris x celenaspookyboo)

Option five

Big book for all of them!


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