when the moon found the sun

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Ryan and I go our separate ways, until first period atleast, my friends are all waiting for me at the stairs "dude you got coffee without us?" Pete asks "well yeah me and my other friend ryan" I tell him "wait your friends with ryan? As in ryan ross" gerard questioned, I nod "no shit, my little brother and him are best friends" he smiled.

Once first bell goes I head straight to the bathroom and wait for ryan, surprisingly, the bathrooms were empty for once, I jump when the door opens behind me "hey bren" ryan giggles, I turn to meet his gaze "hey ry, what you wanna do" I ask, trying to look as if I wasn't about to loose my shit "could go get slushies, I'll pay" he suggested "sounds nice" I grin. We walk to my car and drive to a near by gas station to grab our drinks I chose blue, and he chose red "that's so boring" I grin, sitting in the car with him "oh please your only got blue so the colour of your tongue would change" Ryan mutters rolling his eyes "oh yeah? And what" I joke, showing off my new blue tounge, he puts his hand over my mouth and I lick it "you kinky little bitch" he joked, putting on his seatbelt.

We got back to school with an half an hour left till second period, so we hid it out in an empty art class, I grabbed the teachers chair and spun around on it for a little, I watched ryan scurry to hide some papers into a cabinet, I rolled towards him and tried to catch a glimpse of what he was hiding "ryro?"

"Nothing" he whipped round, hiding papers behind his back "clearly your hiding something pretty boy, show me what you got" I smile. Cogs turn in Ryan's head he hands me a stack of paper and sits on the desk next to me, I flip them over to reveal pictures of various different landscapes, with difference blurred animals, one of which being a playful looking cat "aw who's that cutie?" I asked him "just my cat, capitan knots" he smiled, glancing at the picture "aww he's adorable, your lucky, penny wouldn't sit still long enough for me to grab a picture" I chuckle "yeah oh my god I saw your Facebook post of your other dog, they seem so sweet" ryan chuckled "oh so your a face book stalker too, what else are you hiding from me ryan?" I grinned, pulling him towards me, his face went a blushed mauve colour "well I might be trying to hid a semi" he joked, pushing himself into me, pushing our lips together, then he quickly pulled away, grabbing his lip, I forgot it was still burst "shit sorry" I chuckle, he smiled and just looked into my eyes.

"Wanna come over tonight? My parents are out of town, we can rent some movies, you could stay over if you wanna? It's chill if you-" before I can Finnish my sentence he buts in with his answer "yep, 100% sounds awesome" he grinned "ill need to sneak out though, my dad doesn't like when I go to other people's houses" he nods as the bell rings, interrupting our convo "should I pick you up?"  I ask him, grabbing my bag "nah its fine I can walk" he grinned, walking with me out the classroom "aw shit we have pe next" I groan, grabbing my change of clothes out my locker, Ryan's face went a pale white colour "oh shit that reminds me, I gotta speak to my Spanish teacher about my talking test" he squirms, before I even got a word in edge wise he had already disappeared.


It was raining, really hard, that's when my phone pinged with a notification from Facebook

The_ryro_ross has sent one new message:

Hey bren! Just walking over now, cya soon :)

I shook my head as I wrote my response

Jesus ry, is raining cats and dogs out there! Are you sure I can't pick you up?

It's  fine bren, I'll be there in 5, I don't want you wasting gas

I sigh and place down my phone, glancing out the gloomy and wet window, by the time ryan would have gotten here he would have been absolutely soaked, so I thought I might as well crank up the heat alittle, then I threw a blanket in the dryer so it could heat up for him, I didn't want him to die of hypothermia, truth be told I'm not a fan of dead people as company for three days. I started making us some hot cocoa, that's when I heard the knock at my door, I grabbed the whipped cream and put some into each mug, then grabbed the blanket from the dryer and sprinted to the door "Ry! Hey you made it" I smiled, grasping him into a tight hug, he was (as I suspected) sopping wet, dripping infact "in in in" I smiled, shutting the door behind him "take this" I grinned, passing him the blanket and heading to the kitchen to grab our hot cocoa "wanna head upstairs? It'll be warmer in my room" I suggest "yeah sure, sounds great" he smiled, trudging up the stairs. I slowly pushed open my bedroom door and showed him in, placing our drinks on the dresser "ryan I'm getting cold just looking at you, cmere" I sigh, unzipping his hoodie, slipping it off his shoulders, I grab a towel off the radiator in the hallway and stick it on the bed "bren what are you doing" ryan giggles "making sure you don't freeze to death" I smile, lifting his shirt over his head "you bring pj's? Coz I could always lend you spares" I asked him, putting his shirt and hoodie on the hamper, he pulls them out of his bag, then I noticed how thin they were "nope nuh uh, here" I say, grabbing a clean pair of bottoms from the dresser and throw them over to him, along with a hoodie "I can dress myself you know" ryan joked "I know, you want me to step out so you can change?" I asked, heading for the door "I don't mind" ryan nods, I hum and leave the room.

"Okay I have a few options, there's scream, the craft or ferris bullers day off" I announce, showing off the dvd cases "let's go for the craft" ryan smiled, gazing at me, I softly smile at him before sticking on the Dvd. We sit quietly watching the film, but around the half way point I started thinking about earlier and how ryan was basically half naked infront of me, his pale snow white skin on display, oh god he drove me crazy "ryan I think I love you" I blurt out, shit fuck bitch cunt mother fucking ass wipe, why the fuck would I say something like that, I am actually a dick "you say that, but it's probably just the idea of me you think you love" he hums "no like i think I'm inlove with you" I turn to face him " well brendon in that case I think I might ve inlove with you too'' he says in no more than a whisper, he looks at my eyes for a minuet "you have the prettiest bambi eyes ever" I mumble, pressing my forehead against his, no words are spoken, we simply lay there in silence.

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