when the sun found the moon

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Spencer, Nathaniel, Shawn and I had English first period, I was lucky I got a good teacher, although she never sat us were we wanted "hey bren!" My girlfriend Sarah smiles "hey Sarah, how was your break" I ask her "not bad, but we do need to talk later" she stops smiling, shit. "Good morning everybody, I'm Miss sturm, and this will be your English class for the rest of the year, now, boys on one side of the classroom and girls on the other, feel free to spread out a little" the woman smiled, turning on the smart board "sorry I'm late, I was at the front office" a boy apologised to her, she marks him in and he sits in the row of seats infront of me, I get a glimpse of his face, it was clear concealer had been caked around his eye and nose "now to start the class with an icebreaker, we're all going to go around the room ans say our name, favourite song, colour, and class, I'll start, my names Miss Sturm, my favorite colour is grey, my favourite song is radio ga ga by Queen, and my favourite class is English" she smiled, pointing to a girl in the front row "erm my names hayley, my favorite colour is orange, I really can't pick just one favourite song, and my favourite class is art, sorry miss." She giggled "I'm Sarah, my favorite colour is pink , my favorite song is drug ballad my eminem and my favorite class is english" my girlfriend smiles at the teacher. We rattle through the list of people and it's me now "uh my names brendon, my favourite colour is a tie between red and lilac, my favourite song is karma police by radio head, and my favourite class is music" I tell her "very good, and erm is George here?" She asked, looking up from the attendance sheet "it's Ryan. No one calls me George" the boy infront of me groans "well why don't you introduce yourself" she asked "fine, I'm Ryan, my favorite colour is purple, my favorite song is either last resort by papa roach or behind blue eyes. My favourite class is music." He grumbled, leaning his head on the table. Must not be one for ice breakers.

"Shut the fuck up frank I could totally fifty fifty the math stairs railing on your board" I argue with my friend frank "okay do it you pussy" he dared me "fucking bet" I grin standing up from our lunch table, frank and I walk to math, followed by our other friends "I swear to fuck if you fall on your ass I'm going to piss myself" Shawn laughed in my ear "fuck up dude I'm gonna shread those railings" I choke, running up the stairs followed by frank "how much you bet you can do it?" Frank asked as I got to the top of the stairs, holding out his board to me "twenty bucks" I grin, fishing the dollar bills out my pocket "deal" he said, pulling it out his pocket, we handed the money to Shawn who had followed us up the stairs "Please don't die, you owe me five bucks for lunch" Pete shouts up the stairs "Relax, I'll be fine" I yell back, getting on the board, I start flying down the railing "Shit" I scream as I got to the bottom, landing on my ass "fuck dude" groan managing to stand up "you owe my twenty bucks" I grin looking up the stairs "dude you fell. I fucking win" frank yelled, coming down the stairs, taking my money off Shawn.

I had music again today and I was so glad "hey ryro" I grin sitting down "hi bren" he looked up, smiling at me, his face clearly had caked on more makeup, not that it was bad he was wearing makeup, more so the fact it was clearly covering a black eye or something "shit what happened to your face?" I ask, his body tenses "oh, um nothing, see I do kickboxing and this dude took a fight too far" he explained, as if there were a timer on him to finish his sentence "you box? That's so cool" I smile. Our class properly starts and we start writing the songs melody, Ryan had asked if we could make it sound jagged and rough, me myself I prefer more contemporary stuff, but I agreed "so for song writing what do we wanna go for?" He asked me, I didn't honestly know "right you little lemons, as of now you aren't my problem so go, be free, enjoy life" Mr colbain told us as the bell went "meet me in the parking lot after school and we can go back to my house to work on the song" I ask Ryan, he nods, putting in his headphones and walking away.

I stood for a good ten minutes after school waiting on Ryan, most people had left already and I was wondering what was taking him so long, that's when I saw him, his hood and hair covered his eyes and his head was down "hey Ryan! What took you so long?" I ask him, he looks up at me and that's when I saw it, his bloody lip and tear stained cheeks, he must have gotten in a fight "shit Ryan what happened?" I ask, my hand reaching out towards his face, causing him to jerk back nervously "its nothing bren, don't worry about it" he mumbles, voice cracking. I walk him back to my house and straight to my room "you want a tissue or something?" I ask, shutting over my door "no I'm fine" he smiles, blood coating his lips.

We got working on our song, Ryan doing the guitar (on my shitty acoustic guitar that was worn out) and I was doing the singing, we had picked out our lyrics and started rehearsing, but decided half way through that we would take a break "wanna play Mario kart?" I ask, handing him a wii controller, he grins and takes the controller, his hand lingering longer than it should have. "Not fair! I got stuck behind a tree!" He groaned, sinking onto my bed "just admit it ross, I am the champion of Mario Kart" I grinned "are not" Ryan mumbled "are fucking too! I won the mushroom cup" I retort, laughing "well only because you've played this circuit before" Ryan groaned, laughing slightly "bull shit, wether its  a motorcycle or Mario kart, I'm a fucking god at racing" I announce, which Ryan did not seem to like, because he tackled me off the bed and onto my floor, pinning me down "take it back" he grinned, wrestling my arms "never ross! I will never ever take it back" I yell out, looking him dead in his eyes, his beautiful bambi eyes, his bambi eyes that edged closer to my face, without another thought I moved up to connect our lips, my tounge licked his bottom lip and he opened his mouth, which tasted metallic (because of his blood) and like menthol cigarettes, I pull back after a moment "Ryan I'm so sorry i-"

"Shut up for a minuet" he replied, continuing on our kiss, my hand tangled in his hair and the other gripped the back of his hoodie, I never wanted this to end, and it felt like it wouldn't "brendon I'm home sweetie!" My mother shouts up to me "shit" I groan against Ryan's lips. I quickly go down to see my mother "oh and what time will your little music partner be here?" My mother asked "he's already here, just busy busy busy with writing our song" I respond, giggling nervously "will he be staying for dinner?" My mother asked, I nod and she smiles, turning to start on the dishes, I run back upstairs  to my bedroom, Ryan laying on my bed, looking up at the ceiling "I'm back" I smile, joining him on the bed "you kissed me" Ryan smiled "you kissed back" I respond "what about your girlfriend Sophie?" He asked me "we broke up, she's going out with one of my old friends dallon now " I explain, reaching out to move hair from Ryan's face, the twitched at my hand brushed away his dark hair "hey can I ask something" I question Ryan, he nods, sitting up "how come in English today Mrs sturm called you George? I thought your name was ryan" I ask, Ryan's face goes blank for a moment "no one calls me George, that's my dad's name" he tells me coldly, I nod, noticing how warm my room is "how are you not sweating in that thing?" I smile, clearing the air "I'm just cold all the time" he nods, I hum in response.

We continued writing our song for a little, joking around and editing lyrics "so like I was saying, we could go for like a edgy 'fuck this blah blah blah' vibe or like a 'yo I might be on LSD but I love you' kinda vibe" Ryan jokes "totally totally" I laugh, a knock at my door interrupts our rap sesh "it's just me bren, I brought some snacks for you and your friend" my mother says, opening the door, holding a tray of mountain dew and pizza rolls "oh it's you" my mother says nervously to Ryan "hello Mrs urie, I apologise for yesterday, I had a big match and I was all worked up, I shouldn't have taken it out on you" he tells my mother, what? "Not a problem sweetheart" she smiles, placing the tray of food on my bed "you know my mom?" I ask him "yeah, she stopped by my house yesterday, welcoming me and my dad to Vegas" Ryan told me, whilst doing the most emo hair flip I have ever fucking seen.

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