~Chapter 1~ Meeting him again

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Everyday, Foxy sat in his lonely Cove. And everyday, he'd hear Chica and Bonnie walk by his Cove, Bonnie almost always pulls out another chicken pun and Chica usually slaps him afterwards. Everyday, Foxy heard them walk by, wanting to come out of his Cove to be with his friends. But he didn't know what to think of them as anymore. He was too scared to come out. Maybe they didn't like him anymore or what if they yelled at him? If anything, they probably forgot he'd existed. These are the thoughts Foxy has everyday. Freddy, on the other hand, usually avoids other animatronics after closing time. He's constantly busy after hours. He's planning parties, setting up others, checking up on his brother, and so on. Freddy's always doing something. But this day was different. This day, Foxy comes out of his sanctuary and well... he runs into a certain someone.

Foxy's POV-

Arlight. Todays the day. I'm not chickening out of this one. I stood in front of me purple curtains, not wanting to leave them. Their what always keep me safe and away from harming any others. 'Alright Foxy ol' boy. Ye can do this. Around this time, Bonnie and Chica will walk by, and ye'll attempt to join the two.' I took a deep breath and heard some soft clicking in the hallway. 'Here they come.' The clicking continued until they were walking by me Cove. Oddly, it was quiet. But whatever. I shook me head and walked out, straight into Bonnie (?). I heard a soft groan and the animatronic looked up. This sure wasn't Bonnie or Chica. They had ice blue eyes, glowing slightly in the dark hallway. I felt myself getting lost in their eyes. Suddenly, a flash of memories passed through me mind. They were too quick though, so I wasn't able to recognize any of them. The animatronic looked away from me and got off of me. I hadn't realized they were even on me. They bowed their head, two brown bear ears were noticeable, and also.. a really cute and small top hat. "I-I'm sorry about being so careless. Pl-please do carry on with your day..." The bear stood up straight and quickly ran off. I just stood there. Staring at where the lad was. 'Those eyes... why did they look so familiar?' I shook me head once again. 'I guess they just reminded me of the ocean. Yeah, that must be it.' But.. those memories I had didn't consist of the ocean at all. Only those glowing blue eyes. I decided to wander around the Pizzeria for a little while, hoping to find the bear again. Sadly, after wandering for 30 minutes, I couldn't find the young lad. I gave up, and walked to the kitchen. I knew Chica and Bonnie would be in there. I peeked me head in, my bright red was probably rather noticeable. Thankfully, no one caught me. The very first animatronic I saw was a bear. The same one I had ran into earlier. I thought it'd be best to watch from a distance, and that's what I did. The bear was seated at a table, where Bonnie was, along with Chica. Chica and Bonnie had a friendly (I guess? I dunno.) conversation as the bear just sat there, doing nothing. Bonnie wiped away the tears in eyes from laughing too hard at another one of his shitty chicken puns. He looked at the bear and awkwardly cleared his throat. "Sooo..... Freddy! How have you been?" At least I know his name now. Freddy shrugged, looking down to avoid complete eye contact. Chica and Bonnie exchanged concerned glances. "Freddy... we know you're shy, but please try to engage in a conversation with us! Your our family and we care about you." Chica looked at Freddy once she had finished speaking. Freddy looked up and sighed softly. "S-sorry guys. I've just been really.. o-out of it. D-do you know what's in Pirates Cove?" I gasped softly. The lad was talkin about me! "Oh! In that old Cove? Nothing to be scared of! Just an Out of Order animatronic! He or she can't hurt no one else cause it was shut off!" Chica smiled happily. 'I'M A MAN. Do ye not hear me in me cove?' Freddy shook his head, his blue eyes wandering to where I was. I quickly panicked and ran off, but I ended tripping cause of me darn heals. I sat up and heard the same soft clicking walking towards me. I looked up, and saw Freddy. He had chocolate brown hair with a top hat placed neatly on it. His face was round-ish with a freckles on his cheeks and a bit on his nose. "A-are you okay?" I looked back down and nodded me head. "Aye lad. I be fine." He held out his hand for me grab, when suddenly, another memory flashed by. I groaned and held onto me head. "Bloody hell that hurts.." Freddy retracted his hand, a worried look on his face. "A-are you sure? Y-you seem to be in pain.." I simply shrugged me shoulders and stood up. "I be fine lad! Don't worry about me." I gave a small smile before walking away. "W-wait-!" The 6 AM bell rang before the lad was able to finish his sentence. He sighed and walked back to the stage. I watched him leave before returning back to me Pirates Cove. The minute I had entered it, I had felt safe again. I sat down on the floor, and switched me switch back to sleep mode. I took one last look around me Cove, before falling asleep.

(OH MY GLOB I DID IT FINALLY!!! CHAPTER ONE HAS BEEN FINISHED!!! Sorry if it's so short!!! And if it was no reason to be here... Yeah. EITHER WAY! I've always wanted to write a Frexy story, and here it is! Please tell me what you think down in the comments below! Stay awesome guys!

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