~Chapter 3~ Confronting the Golden bitch.

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(This entire story might as well be Foxy's POV)

I woke to the sound of a beautiful voice singing. I sit up and listen closely, humming along to the song. The song had lost it's taste years ago, but Freddy's voice sure hasn't. I sigh and stand up. Hearing a small 'poof', I look down to see what's left of the fox plushie. 'Oh.. right.' I yawn as I pick up the plushy. "Hopefully I can repair it.." I mumble to myself as I walk out of my cove. But due to the stupid ramp and me darn heels, I trip. And land on someone. I hear a loud groan from underneath me. I open me eye and see magenta eyes flickering as the stare straight at me. Without any words, I get off of Bonnie and ofer me hand. He's hesitant at first, but soon accepts me ofer. I pull him off of the ground and (rather embarrassingly) into me chest. Bonnie lets out a small 'oof' as his body makes contact with mine. I don't feel like lettin' go. His warmth is quite relaxing and his body is so small. I feel like if I was to hug him any tighter, he'd snap in half. After a few minutes of me awkwardly hugging him, he asks for me to let go. "Uh... sure." I speak softly, not actually wanting to let the bunny go. It's been forever since I've felt someone this close to me. I slowly remove me arms from his slender body, before resting them by me side. After a few more awkward minutes, a high pitched female voice screams his name. "OH BOOOONNNIIEEE!!!~" Bonnie's head snaps towards the direction where the quickly approaching voice is coming from, fear written all over his face. All I can make out is a yellow blur tackling Bonnie to the ground before Chica starts to tickle him. Not wanting to get involved in this, I slowly back away from the dying bunny and insane chicken, collecting the dropped plushy pieces as I leave. I walk down the dark, long halls. Me heels clicking with me every step. 'God damn these fucking heels.' I groan and open the door to the Back Room. I get an unexpected (and unwanted) visit from a certain someone though. "Ahhh. If it isn't the dickhead Golden come to please me with his horrible and annoying presence. Tell me, what did I do to deserve your ugly golden face right in front of mine?" I spat at Golden. He looked almost hurt for a few seconds, but soon returned to the same expressionless bitch bear we all know and love. (I was just kidding about the love part) He rolls his lifeless eyes and walks past me, shoving me aside in the process. "Nothing. I was just fixing up some broken wires." Golden spat back at me. I decide that now is the perfect time to confront the golden bitch. With one swift move, I've got his arms above his head and me hook around his neck, ready to stab into the flesh. "What the fuck? Let me go Foxy." Golden growls and I growl in return, showing off my sharp teeth as I do so. I hate that he's so calm. I just want him to fear me. I step closer to him, our noses touching, and his lips just a few inches away from me own. "Why the hell did you me erase from Freddy's memory." Golden's lifeless expression is now filled with shock. "Y-you saw that?" i nod me head, glaring deep at the golden bear. His gaze is everywhere. He's obviously nervous. Then, he looks straight into me golden eye, his nervous expression now gone. "I was simply taking out the trash." His voice is back to being monotone, but a hint of annoyance can be heard. I growl again and press the tip of me hook into his pale neck. His expression changes again. It's now pain and fear. " F-Foxy.. p-please stop. I-it really hurts..." Golden lets out a small whimper as his body begin to tremble from underneath me. I groan and take remove me hook from his neck. "Never do that again. Or I will '87 your fucking face off." I scowl at him, liking the sight of him quivering in fear. He nods his head and quickly runs away from me. I walk into Back Room, looking for sewing supplies. I eventually find it hiding under a dirty white blanket. It takes me at least 10 minutes (me hook didn't help at all) to get the thread in between the needle opening and another 30 minutes to stitch together the little guy. Once I had finished, I put away the supplies and picked up the fox. Proud of me handy work, I walked out the room and back to me wonderful cove. I walked in and instantly fell on the floor, letting out a long satisfied moan as
I did so. I let me mind trail off as I listened to the soft clicking walking down the hallway....

~day dreamish thingy~
I groan and sit up. "What in Davy Jones locker..." Me eye scans the room as me thoughts try to process what had happened. I'm still in me cove but something's... off. Everything seems much happier. A lot brighter. "F-Foxy!" A familiar voice chimes through me curtains. I hear myself laugh. "What is it Freddy?" Did I say that? Me attention is taken away from 'me' and is now focused on the small brown bear. Freddy giggles and walks over to me, a slight blush is noticeable on his cheeks. "W-well.. I-i just wanted to check up on! Ya know? See h-how the old fox is doin'!" He speaks in a soft voice, this cute smile not leaving his face. Another laugh escapes me lips. "Oh Freddy. Ye be so silly!" I walk over to Freddy and kiss his forehead. He giggles and kisses 'me' cheek. "T-that's why you love me!~" Freddy speaks as if it's the most normal thing in the world. 'I' roll 'me' eye and wrap 'me' strong arms around his delicate body. "Aye~ Ye know I do~" 'I' lean down and feel our lips connect.
I quickly sit up, me face burning from how much I be blushing. Me heart is racing. Once I begin to calm down , I think about the 'dream.' Well, that's what I think it was. The strange part about the dream was that it was mainly focused Freddy's ice blue eyes. Me thoughts are so focused on the dream thingy, that I haven't realized the purple bunny and the yellow chicken stepping inside me cove, holding pots and pans as they cautiously enter...

(DUN DUN!!! HAVE A CLIFF HANGER! Not such to say soooo... Enjoy this horrible chapter! Stay awesome guys!

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