~Chapter 4~ Getting to know them

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(I think we all know who's POV this is)

I was thinking about the dream thingy when I heard a click come from the entrance of me cove. I turn around and see Bonnie and Chica holding... pots and pans? Chica glares at Bonnie and he gives her an apologetic look. They seem to have forgotten that I was here because they keep on exchanging expressions. I clear me throat to catch their attention, and it works "Um... what brings ye two into Pirates Cove?" I speak with weird pauses into between me words. They look at each other, and then back to me. Bonnie begin to speak. "Well.. we just wanted to see what you were... like?" Bonnie's trying to hide the unsureness in his, thus resulting in a horrible voice crack. Me and Chica smirk at his error. He blushes and hides his face with his hands. I laugh and walk over to him, me heels clicking loudly as I do so. "Don't be ashamed lad! Ain't nothing to hide!" I rustle his hair and give the most friendly smile I could. Bonnie slowly looks up, his cheeks still a cherry red as he removes his hands from his face. Chica's watching me every move, ready to strike me with the pot in her hands. Being the weirdo I am, I decide to flirt with the little bunny. "So.. Bonnie's your name right?~ I be Pirate Foxy~"I speak in soft and seductive voice, causing Bonnie to blush more. "Y-yeah.. B-Bonnie Bunny. N-nice to meet you..." Bonnie hides behind Chica as she squeals. "I SHIP IT!!!" Chica screams. Bonnie shakes his head and face palms. I tilt me head, confused as to why she suddenly brought up ships. "Ehm.. sorry for asking lass, but what do ships have to do with anything?" I ask, not really expecting an answer cause she's back to tickling Bonnie. "Hm? Oh! Ships? You don't what that is?!" Chica looks shocked that I don't know what she means. "Of course I know what a ship is! I just don't understand the context of which your using the word in." Chica gives a dramatic sigh and looks me in the eye. "You sir, have a lot to learn."
~After Chica's long lecture about what she meant~
"Aannnd that's what a ship is!" Chica smiles brightly as I kinda stare off into space. After a few minutes of not getting, she snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Huh?! Wha? Oh, sorry lass. I-I be thinking." I smile sheepishly, a slight blush forming on me cheeks. "And what were you thinking of?" I look down and scratch the back of me neck. "W-well.. It be about Freddy." Chica lets out a another loud squeal. "OH MY GOD NEW OTP!!! SCREW YOU BONNIE!! FREXY ALL THE WAY!!!" Bonnie looks down and slowly walks out of me cove. Mumbling something along the lines of 'Sorry for not being a shy bear...' I give Chica that look of 'that was rude' and she simply shrugs her shoulders. I groan and run over to Bonnie, wrapping my arm around his shoulder. "Hey lad! I'm sure she was just joking around!" He rolls his eyes and removes me arm from his shoulder. "You don't know her as well as I do. And even if she was kidding around, it still hurts." I feel like my heart just broke in half. He looks so sad.. "He reminds you of yourself."I gasp and look around. Bonnie is now gone, and the person replacing him is Golden. I growl darkly and move away from him. "What the hell do you want fuck face?! TO TORMENT ME AGAIN?!" I scream at Golden until I felt a sharp pain in me chest, causing me collapse and beginning coughing. "Shut up you stupid fox. I just brought you here to give you a little bit of back story on Bonnie and Chica. You willing to listen?" I couldn't believe me ears. For once, he didn't bring me here to repeat the bite. I hesitantly nod me head. He takes a deep breath and walks over to a cabinet that I just now noticed. Was that always there? Me eye focuses on the album he takes out. An album? He walks over and sits down. I sit down in front of him. He opens the album and begins flipping through the pages. I see Golden on one of the pages... but he's with someone. A golden rabbit. They both look so happy. He smacks me cheek, bringing me back to 'reality.'  "Stop staring at me. It's annoying." Me initial reaction would be to continue, but I stop staring and look at the pages he had flipped to. It had pictures of Bonnie and Chica. They didn't look so happy though... really bloody and bruised if anything. "This is back when the pizzeria first opened. These two never got along. They were constantly fighting so you and Freddy had to break them up. Bonnie was a huge jerk back then. A rebel. He never followed the rules. Often resulting in him sitting in the 'Corner of Shame.' Chica, on the other hand, wasn't the happy happy joy joy chicken you know today. She was rude. She always started the fights. She didn't care about anyone else's feelings. If she did something wrong, she'd laugh it off." Golden flipped to another page that made me eye water up. "The only reason Bonnie was a jerk is because he was lonely. He has a problem interacting with others and understanding their emotions, so that's why he often ended up hurting others. He never meant to though. He'd punch holes into the walls of his room, resulting in the bandages on his hands." Golden took out a picture and handed it to me. It was of Bonnie crying with his head in his hands. The blood on his knuckles was very noticeable. Just imagining his sobs of pain was enough to make me cry. Golden takes back the picture in slides it back into it slot. I don't even bother looking at him, knowing that he'd laugh at me. After a few minutes of me weeps and whimpers, I feel a hand on me cheek, wiping me tears away. I look up and see Golden. His eyes are filled concern. "Hey...there's no need for tears Audrey. You don't have to cry. Everything's okay now." Golden speaks softly, making him sound a bit like Freddy. I want to question him about the name, but at the moment I really don't care. Once I begin to calm down, he removed his hand from me cheek and clears his throat. "Are you ready to continue?" I nod me head. "Alright then... Chica hated herself. She hated her attitude, get clothes, her body, everything. That's why she picks a fight with Bonnie. To feel better about herself. To feel stronger then someone else. She did feel bad for what she did to Bonnie, but as always, shrugged it off in the end. She has low self-esteem and it can drop very quickly. Being the cook she is, she'd 'accident' burn her hand or wrist." Golden takes out another picture, but this time is hesitant about giving it to me. "Do you want to see it?" I swallow down the lump forming in throat and nod me head. He sighs softly and hands me the picture. It was of Chica. She had fresh burn marks on her wrists and red puffy eyes. I feel the tears fall down me cheeks. Golden strokes me hair and holds me close. "It's okay Audrey... no ones hurt. At least, none of your friends.." Golden mumbles the last part, but I can still hear him. "Golden..how did they change?" Golden stops doing everything. His face turns pale as he begins to shake. I instantly regret asking. "I-if ye don't want t-" I get cut off by Golden. "I-I'll tell you.. it was when the 5 children were murdered. They were...." He takes a minute to breath before continuing. "St-stuffed into you guys... their emotions effect our own. Like how the child in me hates the child in you. He can easily effect my personality making me hate you." Golden sighs and looks away from me. "Those poor children.. they had siblings and family... and now it's all gone. Everyone is gone.." I pat his back and smile gently. "Is that why ye keep calling me Audrey?" I wait a little for his answer. "Yes. The child in you is Audrey Treasure, the child in Bonnie is well... Benny Hoppers, the child in Chica is Diane Hoppers, inside of Freddy is Luis Fazbear, and inside of me is Dominick Fazbear." Golden's head is in his hands as he cries softly. I pat his back as I flip through pages of the album. I come across a picture that really shocked me. It was of me and Freddy... kissing. I remove my hand from Golden's back and force him to look up. "Golden.. were me and Freddy mates?" Golden whimpers and moves away from me. "Just go." Before I can even say anything, I wake up to Bonnie shaking me. "Oh finally! I was really worried dude!!" Bonnie sighs in relief and smiles. "At least your up now. Mind telling me what happened?" I shake me head and walk away from him and back to me cove.

(1585 WORDS!!! THAT'S A NEW RECORD!!!! I hope you guys like this chapter! It took forever to type! But it as worth it in the end! Stay awesome guys! BAI!!~

The Shy Bear and The Sad FoxyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora