~Chapter 5~ Here comes the thunderstorm

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(Pirate Faaaaxxxyyy)

I feel a little bad for walking away from Bonnie, but I really just need to be alone right now. I take a deep breath and left it out through me nostrils. I'm about to walk into me cove, but some shuffling on the other side of me curtains makes me change me mind. I take a shaky breath and walk in. I don't see anything though. I look around the corners of me cove and see.... someone (I can't tell who they are) looking through me treasure chest.

"OI! What in satin's name do ye think yer doin'?!" I holler at the person.

They gasp and quickly put everything away they took out away. I approach the person, but they escape by running past me and out the cove.

"S-sorry!!!!" I hear the person apologize while running down the hallway.

"Damn vermin." I mumble under me breath.

Walking over to me treasure chest, I look through it to see if anything is gone. Thankfully nothing important is. I'm about to close me chest until a small item catches me attention. Out of curiosity, I pick it up. It's a small black top hat. The same one that belongs to-

"Freddy." A deep voice interrupts me thoughts.

"Damn it Goldie can't I have one minute to meself?!" Frustrated, I run me fingers through me long red hair.

Bad idea. I come across a knot and groan at the pain of trying to tear it apart. Golden chuckles. I shot him a nasty glare but he's not fazed by it at all. If anything, he looks.... different. His cold eyes are now a light green. They may not be the same color, but they sure are the same shade as Freddy's.

Goldie approaches me and I bare me fangs at him, causing him to raise his hand. I whimper and cower in fear, mentally preparing myself for the pain. But it never came. Me head is lifted up by Goldie's soft hands. I'm now looking him in the eyes, and I frown slightly at what I see.

He's crying.

Tears pouring down his cheeks like rain during a thunderstorm.

Ye know what, that's what he reminds me of. A thunderstorm.

Thunderstorms are loud and violent, like Goldie.

But they also have a sense of beauty and peace to them.

His sniffling snaps me out of me thoughts.

"I-I'm-" His voice cracks and he starts sobbing.

I hug him tightly and stroke his hair. I don't really like the guy, but I could never ignore someone crying. Whether I like 'em or not.

"Shhh.... it's okay Goldie.... " I gently hush him.

He grips tightly onto me coat and begins sobbing even louder. His voice is cracking every time he tries to speak, so I continue to hush.

"Soothe the thunderstorm, Foxy." I'll ignore that for now.

I kiss his forehead and smile. He returns me smile, although it's a sad smile, it's still beautiful. After the storm dies down, Goldie lets go of me coat. A slight blush covers his freckled cheeks.

"S-sorry about.... um.... Dominick being so rude to you. He's extremely overprotective of Freddy, who contains his little brother, Luis." Goldie sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Okay, look. This might sound a little weird... but.... okay. Ugh this is harder then I thought. Okay, I-I would like to meet your new friends." By the time Goldie was done speaking I was already out the Cove and dragging Bonnie and Chica over.

"I GOT 'EM LAD!!" I shout at Goldie.

He peaks his head from the curtains, and blushes slightly when his green eyes rest on.... one of the two morons. He slowly walks out, his golden ears twitching slightly.

"OH MY GOD HE'S LIKE FREDDY!!!" Chica screeches.

She then clears her throat.

"Welp, I'm Chica Chicken! What's your name?" She asks, her purple eyes staring directly into his green ones.

"I'm Golden Freddy, although you may just call me Goldie." Goldie introduces himself, but his eyes don't meet hers.

His eyes are glued on the male next to her.

"Who are you?" Goldie asks Bonnie.

Bonnie blushes slightly after realizing that he had visited Narnia for a few minutes.

"M-me? I'M B-Bonnie Bunny!"

Bonnie blushes more at his horrible voice crack. Goldie chuckles and walks over, taking Bonnie's hand in his and kisses his soft, delicate hand.

"Pleasure to meet you Bonnie~" Goldie purrs seductively.

Bonnie's ears shot up, his face burning a bright red.

".......n-nice to meet you t-too..." Bonnie's voice is so soft now.

Goldie smirks and  moves away from Bonnie and back to me side. Chica squeals loudly and shakes Bonnie violently.

"OH MY GOOODDDDDD NEW SHIPS!!!!!!" Bonnie blushes and looks away from her.

"Well..... that's enough flirting for now Goldie! Wait a little longer and get to know the lad a little better." I elbow his side, letting out a hearty laugh. He groans and shot a glare at me, before joining along with me laughter. Chica and Bonnie both leave back to the stage once they realized what time it was. Goldie and I wave goodbye, but I see Goldie wink at Bonnie, causing the bunny's face to flush a bright red and quickly run away.

Goldie laughs loudly, holding onto his stomach as he falls to the floor. I'm starting to worry about his constant laughter. His laughter soon settles down, and now he's just laying on the floor. He looks like he's about ready to fall asleep so I get a brilliant idea of how to keep him up. I grin mischievously and sit down his stomach. Goldie yelps and tries pushing me off. Of course it didn't work because he's weak. (You wish Foxy!)

"DUDE GET OFF OF ME!" Goldie screams, attempting to sit up.


He groans and flops back down onto the floor. He's mumbling a bunch of stuff that I can't understand. I shrug it off cause I'm a pirate and that's what we pirates do; shrug things off. He begins groaning and whining like a child. I put more pressure on his stomach, making Goldie gasp for air.

"DAMN IT FOXY I CAN'T BREATHE!!" He starts squirming underneath me.

"Damn Goldie your desperate."

"OF COURSE I AM NOW GET OFF!!!" Goldie's voice glitches out to a child's voice.

I quickly get off. I look at his face, and his eyes have faded from green to white. Sighing, I walk into me Cove.

I sit down and hug the Fox plushy.

Suddenly, a loud boom came from outside. I just realized that a thunderstorm was on the lose.

I listen closely to the thunder, waiting for the night to begin.

Either way, stay awesome guys!

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